Monday, July 7, 2008

A low key Army Wives 7-6-08 ***Spoiler if you haven't watched it yet***

This weeks episode "The Hero Returns" was a low key, feel good episode. Sometimes don't you just need "feel good" television. I just love the Trevor LeBlanc character. He has that wholesome school boy appearance and says all the right things. He comes back a hero and feels guilty that he left his fellow soldiers still fighting, this is just so Trevor LeBlanc. I always learn something new when I watch Army Wives. I didn't really realize that there are still people that search for our MIA men from many years and many wars ago. At the end of the episode Trevor talks about how they are the real heroes , that is the men and women who are searching for our lost and missing soldiers.
I don't know why but I am always taken back by how formal the Army is when they address and approach each other. That is just something we don't really see very often these days.
So once again what should Denise do w/ her bike? Do you think she is changing and drifting from her husband, as he fears?
I guess we are going to have to wait until another episode for Trevor's ptsd to come out.
Thank you Lifetime Television for another great episode!
Have you been bitten by Army Wives yet?


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