Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July at the lake....

I hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July weekend. Will couldn't decide if he wanted to be in or out all weekend. We would get all slathered up w/ sunscreen and go outside and then he would say he wanted to go in. It was still a fun weekend with unbelievable weather. Will tried so hard to stay awake for the fire works but was fast asleep by the finale. How did you celebrate the holiday?


  1. We skipped the crowded fireworks and swam in the pool in Lake Tahoe!

  2. We shot off our own fireworks and had a big family cook out at my moms--fun!

  3. Your 4th looks like it was wonderful.

    Thanks for visiting and leaving get well wishes for my friend, I really appreciate it!

  4. It looks like a beautiful 4th of July! Clare

  5. BEAUTIFUL pics. You make me want to try a cute headband. You rock them, girl! :)

  6. I love the T-shirt "Ladies Man"!
    Glad you all had a great 4th!
    We were in the middle of the lake on a boat watching the fireworks.


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