Saturday, July 26, 2008

Life is a gift......

There is no gift greater than the gift of life. Anyone that knows me knows that I am inspired by many different things. I designed this necklace a while back and just never posted it. We had great difficulties in having Will, and I wanted this to be a reminder of what a gift he truly is. Even on the days of tantrums and bad moods he is a gift from God!

Tell me how you honor the gift of life?

The "Life is a gift" necklace is a 16mm sterling silver disc with the words "Life is a gift" hand stamped. The charm includes a blue topaz that has been hand wire wrapped. The charms hang on a 16 or 18 inch sterling silver snake chain.

Artist Note: The letters on this necklace have been hand stamped one at a time, I do not use machines. The letters will not line up perfectly and this should not be considered a flaw but part of the charm. The letters have been blackened/antiqued, to make the letters stand out. This piece has been slightly brushed and has an aged appearance and will appear slightly tarnished but rest assured it has been given a good polish and all by hand.

Please visit my shop Kristen's Custom Creations to see my full collection.


  1. I love your etsy shop and LOVE everything you make. Beautiful!!

  2. I love your jewelry. I saw it featured on SITS and now in the Cheaper than Therapy contest.

    Your initial necklaces are my favorite!!

  3. Hey there! The Mom sent me over...and I'm glad she did! Your jewelry is sooo beautiful. I love the simplicity of it all!

  4. Beautiful sentiment and beautiful jewelry.

  5. Hi there! Here by way of Jen @ Cheaper Than Therapy . . . just looked at your Etsy site and your work is just beautiful! I have a birthday coming up this Wednesday and am pretty sur I'll have some money to spend, I might just be back (of course, I'm holding out hope on being Jen's big winner!). Great work, you are very talented!

  6. I love the style of jewelry you make. It's simple but speaks such a strong message.

    Not to mention it's beautiful!


  7. I just left a comment on Cheaper than Therapy about your jewelry, I thought I'd leave the same one here!

    I really like The "You make my heart melt" Love necklace, and The Believe in Miracles necklace. They are all very beautiful! It took me a while to find my 2 favorites!

  8. Sent by Jen at Cheaper than Therapy- thanks for the contest- cute stuff!

  9. I think I have told you before I adore your items...and I still do! You rock!

  10. Your jewelrey is beautiful! I love each piece!

  11. Beautiful! We all need to be reminded that life is truly a gift--especially those of us with kids, it's easy to forget sometimes!

  12. Your jewelry is very pretty. I sent a message regarding a custom piece through your Etsy site. Looking forward to hearing from you!

    Thanks to you and Jen at CTT for the contest!

  13. I discovered you from the Cheaper than Therapy Contest and your jewelry is so pretty, unique and creative. And meaningful! These would make a great gift, especially for me! :-)

  14. Oh my gosh! Your jewelry is so beautiful! I saw your page in the Cheaper than Therapy contest and have decided to save up for two necklaces!

  15. I originally noticed the link to your beautiful jewelry on Cheaper than Therapy. I wandered through your gallery of beautiful things - such nice thoughts you put on such simple pieces. It's just the kind of things I like.

  16. I am SO glad I didn't miss this post while I was catching up from vaca. I already love you both and want SO badly to purchase many of of your creations. Winning one would make my month!


Thanks for leaving some comment love!