Saturday, July 26, 2008

Let me introduce you to Cheaper Than Thearpy Jen and a GIVEAWAY

Jen and I became fast friends when we met online at Mom Bloggers Club. Jen is just a sweetheart and you can tell that by reading her blog. I am so excited that she is hosting a giveaway for one of my necklaces.
Would you like a chance to win? All you need to do is leave a comment here as to what piece of jewelry is your favorite out of my ETSY SHOP (OK don't cheat at least take a peek!) and then head on over to Jen's site and leave a comment there also. See it is really simple! The contest runs for a week so make sure you don't miss out!
I hope you win!
Kristen :)
P.S. If you get hooked on Jen's blog, make sure you thank me!


  1. As a military wife I love the proud spouse charm. Its beautiful, really beautiful. Thanks for remembering us and how proud we are for all our husbands stand and serve for.

    I also thought the patience charm was wonderful. I've been thinking over the past few days that I must have more patience with my little ones or I'm going to miss all that childhood brings. Is it possible to get it as a bracelet rather then a necklace? I would love to have that visual reminder to slow down.

    You really have amazing stuff. I'm going to bookmark you for christmas!

  2. I already know....the 'imagine' necklace!

  3. Ypu etsy store is take wonderful pictures.....and your jewlery is beautiful!!

    I found you through Jen this evening and glad I did....I will be back:)

  4. I also found you through Jen -- she's a wonderful friend. Thanks for the lovely giveaway, and I know I'll be back.

  5. LOVE LOVE LOVE your jewelry. just left a long post with about 4 different 'favorites' over at cheaper than therapy. ;-) Hope I win!

    I'd love either the initial of my daughter's name or her whole name on a round pendant...or my wedding date with a heart or something like, "o captain my captain" on a round husband is a captain in the air force. :-)

  6. Love this idea and your jewelry is so pretty. I'm stopping by via Jen's place. I'm off now to wonder around your place here some more...

  7. I like the initial charm necklace the best. It was hard to choose just one though. There were so many that I liked.

  8. Hi there! I am a big fan of Jen and her website, and I am so glad she introduced us to you! Your jewelry is so beautiful, simple, and elegant.

    If I had to pick one, the grande initial necklace is my favorite. There's just something about it...

    I'll be doing some Christmas shopping in your store!!!

    I'll add you to my list of daily the zoo pics.


  9. I just came from your Etsy store via Cheaper than Therapy and I MUST enter the contest! I'm not good at picking out jewelry because most of it just doesn't fit my look. I've met dozens of people who do handmade jewelry and never seen someone whose style fits me so well, says "This is me" and has the bonus plan of speaking TO me, reminding me to BE me in the midst of the raging hell going on around me.

    I'm going to have to get to know Etsy more just so I can watch to see what goes in your store next.

  10. Oh that is easy, one of my faves if the 'lucky' charm. What else from a lassie right??

    You are soo gifted. Wish I had an ounce of it!

  11. Hi there It's me again :-) You know I love your stuff and its very cool that you and Jen have teamed up for a contest. I love my MBC necklace and my next favorite is the Two Disc Mommy necklace.

  12. Your jewelry is beautiful! Just came by you thru Jen's place!

    My 2 faves are the I Love You More Each Day & the Triple Initial (for my 3 kids!).

  13. YAY!! I entered over at Jen's I hope I win!!

  14. I love the 'I love you more' charm--my boys and I say it to each other every day!

    Oh, and I found you through MBC but you already know that!

  15. how can i pick just ONE!? I really like your line...i've narrowed it down to the "love" one w/ the lil key...the "i love you more each day" one, and of course I would love one w/ my son's name and "proud mom" with maybe both our birthstone colors attached. that would be perfect for me.

    Your next post of the zoo was so precious...and i have such similar pics on my blog of a zoo trip w/ my son. i was laughin how both our pics ended w/ our sons passed out in the carseat at the end of the day! priceless is right!

  16. Hi Kristen,
    How cool you and Jen are doing this fantastic giveaway.
    O.K., well, my 1st love is the Patience necklace. Perfect message for me, and my family, at this time.
    My 2nd love is the Inspire necklace.
    I wish I could come over and watch you make these. They're just so cool!

  17. your necklaces are so nice. I'd love to see more keychains!

  18. Okay, My Favorite by far is Live, Love, Laugh Necklace.

    I drooled over your stuff before I saw you on Jen's blog. I think I saw you over at MBC and checked out your store and fell in love. I will be dropping hints to the Hubby because that necklace is on my want, must get list.

    Very Talented!!

  19. I found you on Jen's site... I will be back to both yours and hers!

    Your jewelry is lovely! I really like the initial charm necklace and the 2 disc mommy necklace with birthstones.

  20. all your jewelry is really cute (came via jen's). i love that part of your proceeds go to alex's lemonade. very cool. :)

  21. I am visiting from Jen and Cheaper than Therapy. I love all of your stuff in your shop. Gorgeous, cute stuff!! :) I am keeping you in mind for Christms gifts!

  22. I found you through Jen, your jewellery is just gorgeous.

    As soon as I opened your blog I felt right at home seeing a picture of kangaroos at the top ha ha.

  23. Jen,
    Your products are so beautiful. Even if I don't win I am definitely going to have to buy one. Thanks for sponsoring this contest. What a fantastic idea!

  24. I entered through Jen's sight. Love that girl!
    Your stuff is just lovely. I sure hope I win!

  25. Your Etsy shop is fantastic! What beautiful work!

  26. Hi Kristen. I love them all, and if I don't win, I'll either have an e-party or wait until I start making money freelancing to buy one! I love the mama one - that's what my kids call me. And the happy one - you truly are in charge of your own happiness! Your stuff is so beautiful and unique. Where'd you learn to do it?

  27. I am visiting from Cheaper than Therapy. I hope, I hope, I HOPE, that I win one of your necklaces! They are beautiful!!!

    amandagdonovan at gmail dot com

  28. I love all your jewelry...its beautiful and unique. I love the proud spouse charm - what a great idea! My hubby use to be in the Army and I have a special place in my heart for everyone in the military and their families :)

  29. Hi, just can from Jen's blog.. and took at look at your Store. I love handstamped necklaces. Really like the "Inspire" and "Imagine" ones. I forgot to put on Jen's blog comment that I was having a giveaway also. For a free pair of earrings made by me. Both of you please come check it out :)

  30. I left a comment on Jen's blog the other day.
    I visited and drooled over your jewelry.
    I forgot to leave a comment here.
    I love the initial charm that Jen has and I also love the grande initial as well.
    Actually...I love them all.

  31. Your jewelery is amazing! I am drooling as I look at your Etsy shop...thank you for the contest! Jen's blog is one of my favorites :)

  32. My favorite piece is the Turn Lemons Into Lemonade Handstamped Sterling Silver Necklace.

  33. Love your work! Thanks for the giveaway!

  34. The "Fierce" necklace interests me most. I need to be so much more fierce in so many situations...this would remind me! I'm heading over to Jen's now...Thanks!

  35. GORGEOUS!!! Simply GORGEOUS!!!! I love your jewelry! You are so very talented.

  36. I just added you to my favorite sellers on Etsy. You have some really great stuff!


  37. I love, love, love this necklace!! I could get the same initial for my husband and daughter, so it would have double meaning! Beautiful work!!

  38. I really like your lucky necklace and your I am blessed necklace. I came over from Cheaper Than Therapy. Thanks!

    rlgrady [at] yahoo dot com


Thanks for leaving some comment love!