Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Secret is in The Sauce....

Oh gosh I am still blushing!!! I am a featured favorite today at The Secret is in The Sauce is a very cool hang out for bloggers to meet each other. What I really love is the COMMENTS! So ladies comment away.

I am also giving away one of my Grande Initial sterling charm necklaces and offering a special discount to fellow SITS members. Here is a link to my shop to take a peek at my jewelry

If you aren't a member of SITS head on over to to join! Here is a peek at the necklace being given away at


  1. Wow. These are gorgeous. I can't even begin to say how amazing they are. I see so many that I want. You could be very bad for my bank account!

  2. Ooh those are nifty, is it hard to handstamp things like that? I really am jealous of you artsy girls. My oldest sister is all crazy artsy like that and I love seeing what she comes up with.

    So let's see, I want to win the necklace because I have no jewelry. Not even a wedding ring anymore. I had to have that cut off my hand when I was pregnant cuz I started to swell. So I put the pieces in my jewelry box to be fixed "later". Then when we moved across the country the movers mysteriously "lost" the jewelry box. And I've just never replaced the stuff in it since it was more sentimental and you really can't replace that, ya know? So there ya have it. My entry. ;)

  3. I absolutely love the Proud Mama bracelet...well, everything actually. It's just my taste. Now, why I should win the contest...well, you know after having kids you sometimes can't remember your name. My first initial would be a darn good start at remembering!

    Thanks for the chance!

  4. What a great song to listen to on a sunny saturday morning! Is this where I lavish you with compliments and comment love to win the cute necklace? Because that's what I'm going to do.

    You are wonderful. You are marvelous. You want to pick me for your contest winner because I am here early and bright eyed and happy. And it's all because of YOU and this happy song on your blog and this fabulous giveaway.

    So there you have it. PICK ME! And congrats on the SITS feature. So fun :)

  5. OH! And...your kids are gorgeous. AND I used to live in Michigan, so there's that. We have so much in common.

  6. Love, love the necklace! Very beautiful work!

  7. Congrats on the nod from SITS! Your jewelry is amazing. I'm not all that crafty and am so envious.
    I would like to win this contest because I would love to have this necklace. I never win anything and to win this would be fantastic!! I would totally appreciate, enjoy and love this necklace!!!!

  8. I can't pick just one. Don't even make me try. I love it all! Now I'm off to explore the rest of your blog!

  9. These are beautiful! I think I would like one of each ;)

  10. I think the initial necklace is my favorite too. I've always wanted one, but they have always seemed a little too something. Like too Carrie Bradshaw when I am more like Carrie Heffernan. But this one is simple and elegant!

    However, my reason to win isn't as good as talisman's, so I say give it to her. And yes, I am smiling as as I say it!

  11. I have seen your page before and I love your jewelry! I think I could get myself into trouble here.

  12. I'm putting my hat into the ring here with this contest. I'm not good at selling myself so I'll just give you a little story.

    My husband loves to tinker. I mean, he will sit and twiddle with anything under the sun and trying to make something of it. To cut to the chase, he started making jewelry. At first, he needed some practice, learning about the proper sizes and lengths. He even started making his own beads from fimo clay, which was really interesting because he was churning out Halloween necklaces all over the place. They were awesome. Then I suggested he learn about wire wrapping. He took a course at Michaels and after that, he left the beads entirely. He's made tons of jewelry for the girls and for me but here's where this becomes relevant. None of it is my style. I like simplistic things, cute things and eye catching (in a good way) things. He liked making really girly things (for our daughters) and overly masculine things (for himself... ha) For all of the learning he did, he never really mastered what women like to wear. So I have a gob of jewelry in my jewelry box that I keep because I madly love my husband, but never wear because it's just not me. I'm not froo-froo, but I'm not butch, either. I would love to just have one, every day piece of jewelry that I can wear and I believe your necklaces would work perfectly. They're an amazing balance between classic, whimsical and bold. I truly think that your designs are a great reflection of who I am, as a person, and I would love to be able to have my jewelry finally be about being me and not about being a loving wife.

    Have a nice day! : )

  13. Simple elegance! LOVE IT! I hate complicated and overbearing jewelry, but your creations are perfect!

    I would love to have the give-away necklace because I am simple, uncomplicated and beautiful...just like your jewelry!

  14. that is a wonderful do beautiful work...

    why do I want to win :o) well, I am on stage and many would see it :o)


  15. I think you'll see me back here -- wonderful jewelry! I'm a silver lover, plus my first name and last name have the same initial, so I'm easy to please. :) Great blog!

  16. Wow --- your stuff is great!! I am impressed!! The truth about why I need jewelry?? Well --- he it goes.... I am opening up here.... I have a scar on my neck that I have always been embarrassed by. I realized last year that I can wear certain jewelry and it will detract from the scar. Hello---lower cut husband of course loves that I do this now!!!

  17. Lovely jewelery. You defintely have a talent !!

    I'd love to win the necklace. I have the perfect place to hang such an awesome piece!!! :-)

  18. Congrats on the SITS exposure. LOVE your jewels, so perfect... I will have to come back when pay day rolls around. I could become addicted.

    Your family is beautiful too- love that Will talks to Kane, my kids talk to our dogs and ask their opinion even. Pretty funny.

  19. Yea on SITS, and I love, love, love your jewelry!

    I'm a single mom of six, home daycare provider to six more...and two of my own are teenagers. 'Nuff said....

    Shameless enough???

  20. I LOVE your necklaces! I can't decide between the "Patience" and "I am blessed"! I'm trying to think ahead for bdays for friends and family! I must add your blog to my blog faves immediately! :)

    As for why I deserve to win. I don't know if deserve is the right word. But I know I would be ever so grateful and my girls and I would totally have to go out and buy chocolate cake and celebrate, cuz that would be a big day. A *big* day! Plus, I got a bad haircut (I don't know what possessed me to cut bangs...) and the necklace would certainly help pretty me up and pull the stares from my god awful hair down to the necklace. Then I could tell them all about yoooooou and your blooooog and then that would lead me to tell them about SITS and my blooooooog. And then we'd all get TRAFFIC and COMMENTS and all would be fine and good. Plus, I'd have some bling.

    And you rock.

  21. P.S. Did I mention You Rock? Cuz you do.

  22. I am so excited to discover you! Your hand stamped jewelry is a wonderful idea and so pretty! I love all the messages of inspiration and love. WONDERFUL!

    I want to win an initial necklace because I have very little jewelry and because it's an awesome prize! Plus it will remind me of this awesome blogging world I've discovered, the wonderful women in it and my new self I've found.

  23. I love all of your creations!! They are simple but beautifully unique - what a great idea and awesome talent!! I would love to win the necklace because I have zero artistic ability and I'd love to have an everyday necklace again :) Thanks for the giveaway -now I'm off to check out the rest of your blog! I heart SITS!!

  24. This is SUCH great stuff. Simple, Elegant and Personal. Hoe can you beat that?

    I am so using you to make my Christmas shopping easy!!

  25. LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!! I have seen your stuff before, and think that they are ALL so cool! I am a HUGE initial gal and love the simplicity of your designs.

    Additionally, I'd like to win the contest...hum, well, because I have "even steven" type luck and NEVER win anything (especially things that I truly desire). So, I would be honored to wear such a beautifully unique piece of jewelry and help promote your site to all the ladies that I chat with at every park in town!!!!

  26. Pick me! Pick me! Because I really need that Happy neckace... I have the Chinese character for Happy tattooed on my back...
    And because we have the same name... even if you do spell it wrong...;)

  27. Your stuff is amazing! I would love to win the necklace because growing up, my mom could never find stuff with my name on it (Sydney), so I tried to get stuff with my initial. I still try to do that, but "S" is a pretty common initial, and I usually can't find it. SO I'm going for the pity vote! Kidding... I will wear it every day for a year if I win, I will post about it on my blog. I will send pictures to all my friends along with your blog address. I'm a PR Specialist, so I know how to work it, baby! :-) Thanks for the chance to enter, love your stuff. I'll be back to visit for sure.

  28. These are really neat. What a lovely idea.
    Congratulation on being chosen the favorite thing for Saturday.

  29. i love your jewelry! It is very unigue! I espescially love that it's unique. I have never seen anything like it! I would love to be the receiptant of this or the giver. It would be the perfect gift for a special occasion or time in someones life. I know that my sis. finally announces that she is pregnant ( we expect the announcement any day now) i will get her one of these. I was thinking one that said mom or mommy or mamma with a little jewel like the patience one. She would so love it. I am pretty sure that it would make her cry, and not just because she is pregnant!
    So-thanks for making such a great thing and then sharing them with all of us who are not artsy.
    No pressure-I think that you should pick me! I love necklaces and jewlery! Also, I have a big mouth. I would wear it often and people would ask me about it and i would give them us card (one of the ones that you will send with the necklace) and tell them to go and check you out! I woould really help your business grow-just because I have a big mouth and i know a lot of people! So-Pick me please! You will be so happy that you did!

  30. very cool... the simplicity and everyday where... awesome

  31. All of your jewelry is gorgeous. I would love to win--I've never had a necklace with my initial on it, and it is so simple, yet elegant.

  32. How elegant this is...and as to why I should win? Well, this little pretty would look good on me, and make my neck look better too, lol...give folks something other than the surgery scars to look at! I love it!! COngrats on being a featured blogger today!

  33. Your work is amazing! I love the "tears of joy" it's my favorite!
    Love your blog!

  34. I love the imagine necklace. And doesn't everyone deserve to win a 'random' contest? I think so!

  35. Your Jewelry is absolutely gorgeous!!!
    It's simple just like I like so you could wear it with anything I'll definitely be buying gifts from you to give! My husbands name is Jeremy is it just a coincidence you picked a J to showcase?
    All kidding aside I would LOVE LOVE LOVE on of your pieces, but I'm with chandra stauffer on this one I think tailsman should win your BEAUTY!!!
    I'll return often thanks for sharing your talent with us all!!!

  36. Congrats on the nod form SITS you deserve it! BEAUTIFUL jewelry! Do you ship to Norway? : )

  37. Congratulations on being featured today! It must be exciting!!! I love the necklace... in fact I liked all of your stuff. Great idea on doing the "Dad" keychains... wish I had found it a couple of weeks ago so that I could've had it in time for tomorrow!

  38. I love the simplicity of your designs--clean and fresh!

    I'd love to win so I can look all clean, fresh, and hip...and my baby needs something to play with while I'm holding him. Don't you just want to see that "A" clasped in his chubby hand? I do!

    I wish you lots of success on your business!

  39. I love all your stuff. It's so personal and precious, yet hip and trendy!

    Why do I deserve to win? I don't really know. I am blessed with an abundant life and although I would love to win, I would love to bless someone else with such a precious gift. If I were to win I would give it to my mother. My mom has had a very hard life- she had her first child at 18 and my dad worked 2 and 3 jobs to make ends meet. She is very selfless and never really splurges on anything for herself. She is always thinking of others and even now that her 5 kids are married with kids, she watches a lot of my nieces and nephews so that my sisters can make ends meet. I love her so much and would love to win this for her! Thank you for being so generous!

  40. Love the jewelry, especially because it can be customized. I wish I talented but it looks I will just have to stick with blogging. :)

  41. Wow! I've read through everyone's comments and - well - probably can't compete with those reasons but I think your jewellery is beautiful and elegant and am off to buy one this week for my friend's birthday.

  42. Beautiful in its simplicity; I love it. Sorry I can't buy one, though (Hubby lost his job recently and found a new one, but something tells me he'll expect me to spend the money elsewhere! :) Hey! I just figured it out; I'll browse and add a couple of pieces to my list at Thanks!

  43. I Am Blessed....doesn't that just say it all! Each piece is special but that one, well that one grabs my heart. It's easy to see that God did indeed bless you with much talent and enormous love. Enjoyed the blog,.

  44. Great jewelry. I love the Grande Triple initial necklace.

    I think I should win because I have no jewelry. I gave it all away when I was pregnant. But now that my little one is getting bigger, I would like to start wearing it again. Thanks so much for the opportunity.

  45. Oh, I love your stuff. This SITS is so fun! I would love the necklace. I am going to go and look through you products on ETSY, again- right now!!!

  46. I do love your designs. Can you do proud mama necklace in sterling??

    I would proudly wear it.


  47. I love your grande initial necklaces...beautiful!

    I would love to win because I NEVER WIN ANYTHING!! You wouldn't believe how much time I spent entering giveaways for the bloggy giveaways carnival about a month ago...and I won nothing, nada, zip!!

    Winning this would make my year!

  48. I SO want to win your necklace. Oh my god are they beautiful! I love the fact that they are so simple yet say so much!

    From one artsy girl to another your work is different, original, and something I want around my neck! Then I can brag to everyone to go to your site and buy there own!

    Please pick me to win, so then I can start my collection of your awesome necklaces!!

    SITS sister!

  49. Great craftsmanship!!! So, why should I win the necklace.... Hmmm.... could I say that I personally own only 6 necklaces??? Yes, sad but true. Now that my youngest is 21 months old - it is time to start wearing them again (now that my children are old enough not to snatch them off...) Thanks for the consideration!

  50. These are beautiful.
    I need to win, really I do because I am desperate to show up to my family reunion this year and have something cuter that my sister.
    Plus, my teenager might actually think I am cool
    Love Me

  51. Wow, Kristen, these are so cool! I love the different ones. They're all so great -- unique, uplifting, classy, etc.

    Why I should win: I have two small children and work part time. Somehow, my time for shopping and wardrobe appreciation has ummm gotten lost somewhere in the piles of laundry that need to be done. I'm slowly starting to build a wardrobe that I can wear to work that doesn't look like it was created in 1990, but the accessories are definitely missing. Working with mostly men, I sometimes feel like such a moron in what I'm wearing (like the blouse the way too short for the cut of the pants I had on Wednesday so the blouse kept pulling out and untucking while my too short pants slid down -- yes, both are in the giveaway pile now). At least a necklace with my initial like this would give me some confidence, right?

    Plus, fashion forward -- I'd shock everyone, right? I think I may need to buy one for my mom (who I swear IS Donna Reed) regardless. She'd so love this!

  52. What gorgeous work! I'm so glad that SITS featured you, and you're now bookmarked so that I can return for beautiful gifts for my friends and family. (And to get the BLOOM necklace for myself...oh, it is so darn pretty, and what I need to remind myself to do in the variety of new situations that I find myself in...but anyway...) (:
    If I would be so lucky to win the necklace, I would like to give it to a very special recent college grad, as she begins her first job as a teacher in Utah. She has meant so much to my family and I, and I want her to feel as beautiful outside as she is inside.

  53. I love your shop. I could see my purse across the room trying to back away while I was ooing and ahing over your handiwork. I just cant seem to have enough necklaces.

  54. Oh Kristen!
    I just love seeing your beautiful work.
    It just makes me happy!

  55. Wow, Kristin, your jewelry is gorgeous! My fave piece is the necklace that says "Dream" and has the 2 charms attached.

    Hmm, why I should win your contest? Well, first, your jewelry is very much the style that I wear. And I normally only wear my wedding rings and a silver necklace, so this would be perfect! Secondly, my daughters & I all have names that begin with the letter "A". I would love to have a piece of jewelry that is tied to all 3 of us, so that when they get older and are looking for that special necklace to wear for a special event, I can present them with your necklace. That way they will know that mommy's thoughts are never far from their heart.

    Thanks for your generosity and I'll be a return visitor!

  56. These are fabulous! I love 'em!!

  57. Your jewelry is amazing! I love to see how crafty people are . . . because I'm NOT!

    Why I deserve to win? Because even my friends 5 year old was complaining Saturday night. "Mama, we have to get my Sheri friend a new necklace. She ALWAYS wears the same one and it's boring" Also, "You finally changed to REAL earrings." I told her no, they were still fake, I couldn't afford REAL diamonds. She was quiet a minute, then, "Well I have real ones!" Her daddy bought her real diamonds for her birthday. Thanks, kid!

  58. I love your jewelry! I would love to win a necklace; I love the thought of wearing a handmade piece of jewelry that was NOT purchased at the mall! :)

  59. How I wish I was talented in making jewelry (besides the 4-H camp type). Seriously, that handstamped necklace is just gorgeous.

    I can't even tell you how much I would love to win that necklace. Do I deserve to win it? I don't know. There are a lot of deserving women that have commented already. Being a recent (as in May) graduate from college with my tiny tot (or not so tiny as he started at 9.8 lbs) closing in on his first birthday, it would give me something to smile at instead of be sad that my baby is growing up. :)thank you


  61. Hi! I am totally in love with your creations! I will be hitting your store asap. For now, I hope the contest is still open. :)

  62. Now I feel like I'm stalking you!! Found you again on SITS. Love your work mama!

  63. Love the jewelry - I thought those heart stamped earrings were too precious for words. Visiting thru SITS.

  64. So I love your blog it's great. Really! And the jewelry is amazing. I especially love the tears of joy necklace and I just might have to have it.

    As for the initial necklace I would for it to have the letter R on it for my husband RIchard. He is my heart, my joy and his strength amazes me with all he continues to face. And I would just like to have something to remind me of him when we're apart.

    I know sounds a little mushy and I have a ton of jewelry with my kids names picturs and stuff on them. I just want something a little more personal for me and the hubs. ya know?

  65. Even though SITS sent me here and told me to tell you how great your designs are, I would have told you this if I had just stumbled across your blog.

    These are stunning!

    The reason why I need to win one is that I fell in love with the one titled "Live Green". This means a lot to me because since I've entered my 30's, I've "awakened" to the need to protect our Earth, not only for ourselves in the present, but also for our kids and their kids and their kids, in the future. I'm trying little by little to make necessary and eco-friendly changes in my life and in my home.

    Anyway, you have gorgeous designs. I'm going to check out the rest of the blog as well.

    Thanks for doing this!

  66. Well, as a new member of SITS, I feel so grateful to have been directed to your beautiful site. I am not reading the other posts because I don't want to be unduly influenced, but I will read them after I post this. What beautiful creations you make. I imagine any woman fortunate enough to win one would feel so blessed.

    Sometimes life just works perfectly, doesn't it? I know whomever gets selected will be the EXACT person who should receive it and be amazing advertisement for you to boot!


  67. I love your work! If I do not win I think i am going to tell hubby about you.
    Now why I would like to win. Because I will tell hubby about you, give him info and he will forget. So I will never get one unless I win one! Or buy it myself but what fun it that?

  68.'d be perfect. My IRL name starts with J, and I'd wear it with joy. I love the Patience necklace at your etsy store. I think a mother's necklace would be cool, too, if I could figure out a way to put a bead for each kid. The logistics get a little dicey when you try to fit eleven of them on and still have some kind of style to it. Any suggestions? I could do a birthstone color for each one, but after that, I'm lost.

  69. Your jewelry is awesome..Found you on SITS. Why do I need to win one of your designs? No real reason really other than your stuff rocks and I am total shopoholic for all things that ROCK!

  70. It's absolutely gorgeous!! You are crazy talented.

  71. I love the follow your dreams style...these are so fun and a bit cute! I would wear one of these proudly....WOOHOO!

  72. wow. your work is absolutely, fabulously gorgeous! i would love to have some (and definitely will when i get my bonus check!) i especially love the live laugh love bracelet!

  73. WHY DO I DESERVE TO WIN THE CONTEST???? Well, mainly because I think you are the BEST jewelry maker in the biz and all I can do is croos my fingers! With gratitude, laurie b.

  74. i love your jewelry! I love the charm of everything! I want to win because I have only recently been able to start wearing necklaces again now that my kids are old enough to not pull them off my neck!

  75. Love your jewelry. All the pieces are great. Congrats on being featured on SITS too.

    I would like to win a necklace because I need something that I could wear that is playful.

  76. oh my goodness, those are wonderful! i love the grande initial necklaces! can you get them with 4?

  77. Miss Pretty,
    You're necklaces are super cute just like you. How fun is it that you are being featured on SITS? Pretty Cool.
    I would like to win the necklace so I can show it off to my friends. Silly.

  78. I love your jewlrey. I really like the simple look of the disc's with an inital. Very beautiful.

  79. I love all of your works of art!!

    You are uber talented, and I would flip out if I won. I would love to show it off everyday. I guess that would be more impressive if I left the house more often. But, my kids would be impressed and that counts for something :)

  80. Oh, how lovely. And just as I started to look at the pictures of necklaces and your kiddos and everything here and on your etsy, your music player started up and it was Feist with 1234.
    How perfect.

  81. Awesome jewels!! And you and your son are beautiful, too!!


Thanks for leaving some comment love!