Friday, June 13, 2008

I think I need to talk to my help about dress attire

What do you think of my hired help dress attire? I may need to send a memo out regarding proper dress attire.
He is still working for cookies!
Happy Friday!


  1. That is so cute and what a great helper you have. LOVE IT!!!

  2. That's adorable...where does one get a flourescent orange hat?

  3. Oh gosh! That picture reminds me of Brittany when she was Will's age. She dressed herself one day. She wore girlie underwear, white sandals, a striped tank top, a big clock necklace and a ponytail at the front of her head. She looked too cute!

    They are so cute when they are that age. I miss it!!

  4. That reminds me of my 4 year old--he loves to swiffer the kitchen floor for me! Glad you got photo evidence of him cleaning so you can show it to him when he gets older--"See, you DO know how to clean!"

  5. I'm not sure where I should leave the comment for "why I need your necklace". here goes.
    I love your necklace. I think it would look lovely hanging on my neck and I know people would stop and ask where I got it. I would refer them back to your site and you would sell,sell,sell more!!
    BUT I really want to win it so that it can hang on my little sis's neck. She would do all of the above as well, don't worry. A while back she gave me an initial necklace and I know that she would love it if I gave one to her as well.
    She just graduated from 8th grade, is going to a new high school next year, and I live an hour away. I would give it to her and she would wear it on her neck, believing in the power of her name (megan means mighty one), and know that I am thinking about her while wearing an initial necklace she gave me.

  6. Hey, i found you on SITS. I really like your jewelry. You have talent! As far as your help, I think all he needs is an iPod and he's set... Work attire can be overrated!

  7. What a shot! Super swifter with a cape! My little boy like to clean the toilet. Yuck!

  8. Love your jewelry designs! Hope I win the awesome contest!

  9. ROFL That hat rocks. I love it! Your kiddo is pretty cute too.

  10. Wonderful picture! I will have to ask my sixteen-year-old if she will still work for cookies. There's a slim chance, as long as they're not raisin cookies! LOL.


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