Thursday, September 8, 2011

You Capture: Back to School

Today was the first day of Kindergarten for Will. It is so bittersweet as I am sad to have him gone all day but so excited for him to learn new things. He is such a sweet, inquisitive little boy and I hope he always stays that way.

When he came out of class I asked him how he liked it and he said he loved it! He loves his new teacher, likes that he has a desk of his own and a special hook with his name on it for his back pack.... it is the little things isn't it? I hope he continues to enjoy it!



  1. I want a hook with my name on it. It is the little things!

  2. Great photos! I love how happy he looks in the second one.

  3. He looks like such a big boy. Perhaps it's the glasses and leather jacket... ;) Hope he has a great year.

  4. Great photos! Glad he likes Kindergarten.

  5. sad that school means the end of summer weather


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