Friday, August 26, 2011

If you had an extra hour...

If you had an extra hour in the day what would you do with it?

Right now I am reading The Help and would use that hour to read. I know I am the last woman on earth to read it. Did you read it?


  1. An extra hour all to myself, I'd read a book. I have so little to myself, that would be wonderful. On the other hand, I always remember the warning "be careful what you wish for" so I guess it ain't all bad afterall :)

  2. I have heard so much about this book and movie. I will definitely have to get my hands on this!

    I love reading too even if it is just a spare hour.

  3. I read the book about a month ago, so you are not late reading it. I enjoyed it and look forward to viewing the movie.

    I would probably spend my hour reading, well I do spend my hours reading, I love to read.

  4. I would enjoy it somehow, maybe just sitting on the porch having a cup of Irish Joe.

  5. I've read about 4 books in two days so I would definitely use my extra hour for sleep!

  6. I haven't yet read the help.
    or seen the movie.
    I'd like to do either. We'll see

    Extra hr, I'd probably be blogging

  7. I like to think I would take a nap or organize a closet or something...but, I would probably read blogs or surf around on twitter.

  8. If I had an extra hour to myself, I'd definitely read a book - haven't read The Help yet, but might have to get it! :)

    School Lunch - What Are You Packing?

  9. LOVED this book (and movie)! I found your blog on mommy bloggers and I'm excited to follow your blog! Hope you'll follow me as well! :) Have a magical day!

  10. Probably the same thing I do with my extra time and surf.

  11. I would take a them.

    I just read the help and finished it the week the movie opened. I loved both! The book was so good! :) Enjoy!

  12. I've seen the movie twice, but have yet to read the book, so I guess that makes me the last one!

  13. I have not read it yet either.....On my list!


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