Friday, August 19, 2011

Back to school...

Q. When you were a kid did you get excited to go back to school?

A. When I was a kid I loved school, and the start of a new year was very exciting for me.

{My baby is starting Kindergarten in a few weeks I find it exciting and nerve racking at the same time}


  1. My oldest started Kindergarten last week. It was bittersweet. She was so excited and ready to go, however, I think it was a little more difficult for Mommy and little sister to say goodbye. Good luck! Your little one is going to love it!

  2. I was excited about buying new school clothes and school supplies but I usually dreaded actually going back to school.

  3. I loved school and was excited to start a new year. My oldest starts Kindergarten in 2 weeks and I'm a wreck :(

  4. I was always excited for the start of school - new school clothes, new school supplies, and getting to see all my friends after the summer break. :)

    Boys are Different - Bedtime Routines

  5. As a child, I don't remember a lot about back to school time. I know it was fun getting supplies. As a teacher, I loved getting everything new to share with my kids. Now it is fun, but nerve wracking to wrorry about the upcoming year as a parent. My little guy heads to kindgergarten next year - my big kid is a 3rd grader this year.

  6. I loved school and was always excited to start a new year. Meet new friends, learn new things.

  7. I've always loved the first day of school . . . new clothes, new supplies, new books. I really miss it!

    An Island Life


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