Friday, July 29, 2011

Coffee or Chocolate

If you had to give up Coffee or Chocolate for one year which would you give up?

Hands down it would be chocolate for me, I just couldn't survive with out coffee. I love my coffee, the stronger the better but I do take cream in my coffee.


  1. I don't drink coffee so it's coffee for me. Don't think I could EVER give up chocolate for a year ;)

  2. Chocolate, hands down. I think I need one of those necklaces!

  3. I only drink coffee on Sundays so that' is what I'd give up :)

  4. I don't drink coffee, so I would definitely pick coffee. I think I have chocolate every day!

  5. Tough choice . . . but since I can't live without coffee . . . chocolate! OMG!

    Aloha - Kailani
    An Island Life


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