Friday, July 8, 2011

Aloha Friday: Harry Potter

Are you a Harry Potter fan?

Will is crazy about Harry Potter so we have been having a movie marathon trying to watch all of the movies before the final movie, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows comes out next week. I have to admit I wasn't a big fan but find the movies intriguing, I am now a Harry Potter fan.


  1. I am a big fan. While I was in college I started to read to keep up with my future students. It was nice to be able to have that connection with them. Tonight we hope to watch the last movie to catch up for the final one.

  2. Yes... although I have not read the books! My niece was about 10 when the 1st movie came out and she was so excited and told me... "Auntie now you get to see why I love to read these books!!" Loved it!!

  3. Of the movies - but don't kill me (like my friends threaten to), I haven't read a single one of the books! :-)

  4. No.
    I don't do the books or the movies. I'm still trying to do LOTR

  5. I am a fan. I recently finished watching all of the movies so I could see this last one in the theater. But I won't be going opening night or anything crazy!

  6. Nope, but my daughter is a fanatic!

    An Island Life

  7. Love both the books and movies, although the books are much better.


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