Friday, June 17, 2011

Look who has some new specs!

Will failed his eye exam at school so we had him checked out at the eye doctor and sure enough he needed glasses. We had no idea and are very thankful that we caught this as one eye is very weak and needs to do some catching up.

Q. When was the last time you had your eyes checked and do you wear glasses?


  1. I wear glasses and am desperately overdue for an eye exam. I've had the same prescription sunglasses for at least eight years, YIKES! My actual glasses I've had about three years.

  2. I get checked yearly because I wear glasses/contacts

  3. Awwww! He's stylin' in his new specs! :)

    I actually had my eyes checked last Friday - I vacillate between glasses and contacts. I'm looking forward to getting my new glasses - Princess Nagger helped me pick them out! :)

    Pack Rat Mode: Aloha Stalk Hop Friday

  4. He is precious in the them. Yep, I have horrible eyesight and have worn glasses/contacts since I was 7 years old. I recently got daily contacts for my extremely dry eyes! Have a great weekend.

  5. Just went last week and only need glasses for night driving :)

  6. I wear glasses and get my eyes checked bi-yearly. My prescription is pretty light so it doesn't change enough to bother me in a year's time.

  7. Your son looks very handsome in his new glasses!!

    I wear glasses and get my eyes checked yearly.
    Here's my Aloha

  8. It's been a while. I had lasik done about 14 year ago. I need a check up!

  9. HOW DO YOU DO… specs

    Help him! The Bionic Man needs his micro fibre lens cloth or he will almost certainly not see the impending incoming Global Holocaust! What? It was just a fat fly and a bit of gravy. Well good job you incinerated it and saved us from that erm fly, cheers, in future Bionic Man can we just call you man... 

  10. It's been a long time since my last eye checkup. I used to be nearsighted but then got Lasik. Now I just need glasses to read.

    An Island Life

  11. no dont wear glasses. its prob been 10 years since getting them checked though!


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