Friday, June 10, 2011

Are you a Happy Camper?

Do you like to camp?

I do but roughing it for me is doing so in a camper. We spent a lot of family vacations in a camper like the above.


  1. I have not gone camping before. I hope to some time with our family.

  2. I love to go camping since we did it a lot when we were growing up and beyond - I haven't talked the hubby into going......yet! ;)

    Aloha: The Eyes Have It

  3. I have to admit, I am not a camping kind of girl. My idea of roughing it is at a hotel/resort ;)

  4. I don't mine going camping and staying in a cabin or travel trailer, but no tents for me.
    Here's Mine

  5. I am happy to camp for one night outdoors LOL

  6. I'm not really an outdoor gal so camping is not high on my list of things to do. However, I may have to go soon since my kids keep begging me to go.

    An Island Life

  7. We look forward to camp every summer.

  8. nope, not at all... lol, never have actually...
    i just want a bed and a toilet... and a shower... that i dont have to share with anyone else ha ha


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