Friday, May 20, 2011

What I like about summer...

We have had nothing but rain and cold weather lately but I am really looking forward to summer weather, the above picture is from last summer.

I love flip flops, warm balmy evenings, day light until 9:30, back yard campfires, going to the lake, pool time and evening walks with the family. There is more but those are just a few things that I love about summer.

What do you like about summer?


  1. Along with the things you mentioned, what I love about summer is the more laid-back, less hectic schedules and Princess Nagger home as an entertainment factor daily. ;)

    Aloha: Playdates and Sleepovers

  2. Hmm not sure. I'm not a fan of summer. We don't have any beaches or pools here to balance this miserable heat, so everyone pretty much stay inside cooped up like in winter.

    So I'm thinking.

    I'm really not sure what I like about summer. I just take it as another season that is necessary for our lives.

  3. i love the heat and the chance to get a sun tan!

  4. i love the heat and the chance to get a sun tan!

  5. I love going to visit family and things at work slowing down :)


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