Friday, March 4, 2011

Digital Reader or Printed Book?

Which do you prefer a digital reader or good old fashioned printed books?

For me it is printed books but I haven't tried a digital reader yet.


  1. I haven't tryed a digital reader yet but would love to I've heard they are great but I do enjoy my printed books I love the feel of paper.

  2. Like you I have not tried a digital reader but I know I love books and am guessing I prefer them.

  3. I think a digital reader is so convenient. You have your whole library in one unit.

  4. I love both - but I've been really going to town reading more since hubby bought me a Kindle for my birthday! :)

    Aloha: Germy Shopping Carts

  5. To me a book is a book no matter what format it is...I read on my Kindle all the time. If I can't find a book available on the Kindle I might get it in paperback.

  6. I always swore I would never get into digital readers/ebooks...but since I got an iPad and have the kindle app on it, I'm starting to enjoy it. I also have kindle on my phone which is awesome! I think I will still always prefer an actual book in my hand but there are pros to both.

  7. I prefer books, but I don't read a lot

  8. i've always said the same
    i love books, the way they feel
    the smell etc
    then others i know have tried the e readers and say they will never go back

    if you travel alot
    i say e reader!!

  9. I think it depends on the book. I like being able to read classics on my kindle so I can easily look up older or unknown words, but I do love being able to hold a book. My bookshelves overflowing with books probably think that my Kindle is saving their life! haha

  10. I am an avid reader, and just can't give up the idea of holding a "real" book in my hands.

  11. Printed books. ;D
    Happy Aloha Friday!

  12. I love holding a good book in my hands.

    I have not yet tried a reader, but I'm not all that warm towards them at the moment.

  13. I tend to prefer printed books but I do have a color nook and it's pretty cool. Although I have to fight to get a turn on it since my daughter loves it -- I rarely get to even see it :-)

    Bonkers in Barnhart

  14. I'm going to go with Kindle. I said the same thing about holding a book in my hands and turning the pages, until I got a Kindle. I absolutely love it and love that I can through it in my bag and always have something to read.

  15. I would love to try a digital reader one day. I don't think it would be the same to "curl up with a good reader" as it is "curling up with a good book".

  16. I just HAD to have a digital reader so my awesome husband bought me one for Christmas. I'm sad to say that I have used it once, for the browser while waiting in a food court. I like the idea of it...
    The truth is, I love holding a book. New, used, old & abused, classics, best seller, or a trashy paperback romance I like the sound the pages make when I turn it.
    You just can't get all that from a electronic device.

  17. I use both because my mom gave me one for Christmas, but I would choose a good old fashion book any day!

  18. Actually, I really enjoy audio books. Listening to books allows me to knit at the same time, or do something else while "reading" my book. I have never used a digital reader yet (spend enough time with my computer).


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