Monday, November 8, 2010

Trophy time...

Well soccer season is done, look at the trophy Will got! I have to say it will be nice to have a break from spending every weekend on the soccer field and rushing to soccer practice one night a week. This is Will's second season of playing and I have to say all the kids have made so much progress, they actually now want to play and typically know which goal they should be shooting for. Next season should be even better.

The hustle and bustle of the holiday season has already begun, every store I hit this weekend was packed. I even did a bit of Christmas shopping for Will today and usually I don't start until well after Thanksgiving.

What did you do this weekend?


  1. You are so smart to get a jump on your shopping. I'm going to follow your lead!

  2. Congrats Will! I always start my Christmas shopping early too. This weekend we actually had a soup cooking contest within our neighborhood. My soup actually won!

  3. Congrats to him and he's so handsome with his trophy!

    I watched college football and since Alabama lost, I wish I had been shopping:)

  4. How did I not know that Will plays soccer? We are a soccer family... our season ends next weekend. But for us it doesn't really ever end for us - a month off here... and a month off there... lol

    Since you got a jump on shopping... can you start doing mine too? Please?


Thanks for leaving some comment love!