Monday, November 22, 2010

And the celebration continues....

In our house Birthdays are a big deal and typically are a week long celebration. We went to our usual favorite spot for lunch The Henry Ford Estate and then Will opened a few presents. He thought his Star Wars Lego was "Awesome" that is his new favorite word. The actual day of his birthday he told me he didn't feel any older. The chocolate mousse he had was almost as big as him!

{ Now what in the world are we going to get him for Christmas?}


  1. I'll have what he's having but, make mine a double. Looks heavenly!

  2. We tend to make ours last all week too! Fortunately both my oldest and I are in our "b'day week" and we're loving it!
    Would you consider linking up with Of Such is the Kingdom this week with a thankfulness post? Check it out!

  3. That is one big dessert! I bet he was lovin' it!


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