Friday, August 27, 2010

That one teacher.....

Do you remember that one teacher that was your favorite? I do, my all time favorite teacher was Mrs. Helner. She taught me to write in cursive and gave me the book Charlotte's Web. She was kind yet firm and meant business when she was teaching class. She was how all teachers should be. I wonder if she even knew what an impact she had on me and that I still remember her.

Who was your favorite teacher?


  1. I guess I would have to choose my 8th grade science teacher because he later ended up becoming my father-in-law. When I was in his class, he always talked about his twin sons. Little did I know that I would end up meeting them in high school and marrying one of them.

  2. I would say my High School French teacher. She was authentic and she tried to steer me on the right path. Happy Aloha Friday!

  3. I love this! Let me think, I had so many! Mrs. Brenda was my second grade teacher - she was so present - passionate - excited and she'd been teaching for years. Mr. Collier was my 8th grade Art teacher, he taught me that I was an artist, to take myself seriously, that art was more than just for fun. Mrs Fuchs was my 11th grade English teacher, I worked my butt off in her class and never quite got 'it' but my writing was stellar in English 101 in college...

  4. I do not think I had one. School was not about teachers to me. How ever in college I like a lot of my professors.
    My aloha Friday Link for you

  5. I loved my HS sicence teacher becuase he was just out of college and he made everything fun. We did labs a lot and didnt really have to take notes. I had another science teacher that believed in notes and I learned more with doing the labs than doing the notes.

  6. I think a teacher I had in high school. I used to see her once and a while, but haven't in some time.

  7. My favorite teacher was Mrs. Crupi. She was my 4th grade teacher that had an amazing sense of humor and made me want to teach one day. Sadly, she passed away a few years after I had her at such an early age (barely in her 30's if that) from a brain tumor.

  8. My English Teacher Mrs Brown. She really saw me and didn't allow me to shrink in her class. She was amazing to me as a child and at the end it was even more so.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I don't really have a favorite teacher. I had (always) been a quiet student so I never had any close relationship with one.

    However, when I went BACK to college, I had a teacher who was my best friend in 1st grade!

    I LIKE your page, by the way... :)

  11. I loved my 8th grade history teacher. He made learning social studies fun and hilarious!! I laughed so much in his class.

  12. 7th grade English Teacher.

  13. My favorite teacher was Ms. Pollock...4th grade! She was awesome. We actually kept in touch up until a couple of years ago. Wow, time flies.

  14. Miss. Eppstein, she wasn't really a teacher, she was a substitute, but I loved her. When I was 10 I was saved, I was so excited I told her at school the next day; she and I would have these "deep" theological discussions. She also introduced me to the Underground Railroad and Harriet Tubman. Gave me a book on her. I thought that was so cool.

  15. I was just thinking of teachers that I remembered the other night. Sadly, I wasn't a student into school. So, if they did impact me I didn't know it.

  16. My favorite teacher was Mrs. Fleming, who taught me grades 1 through 4. I went to a rural one-room school where all 8 grades were together, with one teacher! I remember one boy who usually came to school unkempt and without much lunch. Mrs. Fleming knew his home situation wasn't the best so she'd always take him in the back room and feed him some breakfast at the beginning of the day. She knew he wasn't given breakfast at home and wanted to help out! What a gem.


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