Friday, July 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Old Man, (Daddy)!!

I can call him old man since he is 1 year older than me. Birthdays are a big deal in our house and we tend to celebrate them for a few days. We have some fun things planned this weekend dinner out and a car show (his choice). I hope you enjoy your special day even though you have to work!

So tell how do you celebrate Birthdays for your loved ones?


  1. We usually go out to eat and open present with Cake at home.
    My Aloha Friday Link for you

  2. We're pretty casual around here.

    Have a great Friday!

  3. Out to eat - birthday star's choice then dessert at home...

  4. When our kids were little, we did the whole big birthday party cookout with all our family and friends. But, as we get older and busier, it's so hard to do that for every birthday. This year, we decided to let each of our kids pick any restaurant they wanted and we would go out for a family dinner - immediately family only. It's been a little more subdued than the big parties, but, we've had some wonderful times together.

  5. For Hubby's b-day we always host a pool party/bbq for his work buddies & our friends. It's a huge party & I always come up w/ some really fun, cool cakey treat that everybody loves. Yummmm - cakey treat. The best part of b-days, lol!

  6. Happy Birthday son, a great kid and a great man, no one could ever ask for a better son!! Dad.

  7. For the adults--just dinner w/family...for the kids, bigger parties w/all of their friends.

    And always good food involved =)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Happy Birthday to your hubby!

    We usually do dinner out (or I'll surprise him with a special dinner). This past birthday Princess Nagger wanted to take him to the movies - so she chose How to Train Your Dragon. ;)

    Aloha Friday: Vacation Edition

  10. Happy Birthday!! My husband's birthday was last Sunday. We had a little party for him with family.


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