Friday, June 25, 2010

To smoke or not to smoke?

Michigan just passed a No Smoking Law or Smoke-Free Air Law. It is illegal to smoke in any public areas which includes bars, parks, restaurants, hotels and more. We see No Smoking signs just about everywhere and when you drive past a bar everyone is lined up outside smoking, which is technically illegal.

Does your state have a No Smoking Law? Whether or not you do what do you think of it?


  1. We do in public places here. Personally, I have allergies so it works for me.

    Have a great Friday!

  2. The closest major city to us does have no smoking rules in public places - I love it!

  3. Pennsylvania does in public places.

    I love it. I have no problem with what people do with their bodies if it doesn't affect me, but I have allergies and shouldn't have to deal with others' smoke.

    It's nice to go out with friends and not come home reeking of cigarette smoke.

    That said, I would be ok with it if restaurant and bar owners were allowed to choose. I just wouldn't be a customer.

  4. They passed that law here in Ga a long time ago.. and it's great!

  5. Where I live in NY it's illegal to smoke in restaurants and bars. I have to admit, it is much nicer not to have to smell it in a restaurant when I want to enjoy my food. I'm not against those who choose to smoke; however, when it's a situation where one person's choice interferes with someone else's choice, then I'm for regulations to keep it out of public places.

  6. here in nj there is no more smoking in resteraunts. and there are designated "smoking rooms" in atlantic city. i quit smoking so i am glad that the rules have changed!
    check out my ALOHA FRIDAY question here

  7. I think it is like that in some places. I am not sure. I would like it though for sure.. I am not a smoker. I think it is a persons choice but I do like not having it around me.

    Have a great weekend.

  8. I think it's a stupid law, there should be smoking allowed in bars that are designated AS smoking bars.

  9. It's illegal to smoke indoors in Public places in the UK, so no smoking in bars and restaurants, since it was introduced the pub business n the UK has gone downhill fast, making many businesses close. I think it should be up to the owner to decide if a business is non smoking or not and then up to the employees if they want to work there and the patrons whether they want to visit

  10. you cant smoke in eating establishments here.... unless they have a separate room

  11. Placing laws is getting to be ridiculous! If a person chooses to smoke when they are walking down the street, well that is their choice. If you happen to be walking by that person smoking and don't like it, or have allergies to it, well then oh well. It isnt going to kill you to smell it for 2 seconds while walking past. Making someone's personal choices should not be a law!! And business owner's should have the right to choose there own smoke or smokless fate. Why is it everyone's business to care so much what other people choose to do?

  12. I live in Buffalo, NY and it is illegal in restaurants and bars. I personally love it.

  13. Hawaii passed a law a couple of years ago (I can't remember if it's for all islands or not) where you can't smoke in public places (restaurants, etc.) and also need to smoke at least 20 feet (I think it's 20 ft) away from an entrance or exit.

    I know some people think it's great (I'm personally really sensitive to the smoke), others think its going overboard and it's hurt businesses, so I guess it just depends on the person...

  14. Utah is awesome for their no smoking laws! I don't want my children around it

  15. Our state does not have a no smoking law as far as I know. However, our city does.


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