Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Same Chair Same Boy....

Will June 2006

Will August 2009

Will June 2010

Same chair just a big boy now! (The chair actually got stained this year though .) In a blink of the eye Will is no longer a baby, the baby face is gone. But I love seeing him do new things and conquer things he was once afraid of like climbing really high playground equipment and swimming in the lake.... I just wish it could all slow down a bit. Maybe if as parents we had a pause button that we could use just on occasion I wouldn't abuse it:)


  1. What a neat way to see his growth! You've got to keep the chair forever now!

  2. I love it! What a neat idea to do year after year-even when he is all grown up.

  3. I still see his face even in that little baby face. Even from last year to this year, there's a huge difference.

  4. This is such a great idea. I loved seeing him grow up.

  5. They sure grow fast!

    Have a great Wednesday!

  6. wow - he really shot up in this past year!!


  7. How sweet. I like how you can tell it's the same boy. He hasn't really changed...just gotten bigger.

  8. They grow up so fast.
    My youngest is 16.

    Great pictures!!

  9. What a cutie! Live the idea of taking a photo in the same chair. I also like the idea of a pause button.

  10. How did he get so grown up? I do something similar... but your's will work longer. I have a pix of both my girls when they were babies sitting inside a shoe box. Then every year I take another pix. Sad thing is the box is for a size 7 shoe... and DD2 (my 12 YO) wears a size 8 now... so her foot can't fit in box anymore, So she stands next to it instead.


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