Friday, June 4, 2010

Do you dread the Dentist?

We have to take Will back to the Dentist today for another round of fillings and crowns and none of us are looking forward to it. What 4 year old or for that matter what adult enjoys getting their teeth drilled? We are hoping this will be it for some time, it has been an ongoing drama in our household. Please think of us today and send us some good thought that it will go quickly, after he is getting a trip to Toys R Us!!!

Do you dread the Dentist too? Do you go every 6 months as recommended?


  1. yes! I just went on Wed...and I almost canceled my appointment. But Its not just dentists-I hate going to my doc too!

  2. Looking into my parents mouths, made me really into dental care. Thanks to that we always go every 6 months. I never had my first (and only one so far) filling until I was 29 and boy did I cry that day. Although I don't love it at the dentist, I find it less stressful than the regular doctor.

  3. I dread drills at the dentist that's for sure. I attempt to go every six months.

  4. Do they sedate him for that? I took Ro to the dentist for the first time a couple of months ago and he wouldn't even let them get xrays of his teeth, but he did get them polished. And yes I don't care for the dentist, but luckily my brother and his wife are dentists, helps a little bit of the fear.

  5. I do not like the dentist either.. I go when I can. I need to go. Poor Will..

  6. nope, dont dread it, but dont go as often as i should...
    need to go soon

  7. I don't dread it at all. Just need it over and done with. Hard to keep mouth open that long and not gag. I refuse to swallow anything either and will want to rinse every few seconds.

    I don't go much...maybe every two or so years..depends.

  8. If I was working I'd go more often

  9. can't remember the last time. However I do remember going for a check up with no problem however the dentist found thing to do and it made thing hurt that did not hurt. so I tend to not go.,. My teeth are very strong and good. I think cleaning and probing weaken them. if you have great teeth why go?

  10. I didn't used to dread the dentist. But as I get older my gums are more sensitive. So yes, I must admit, I'm beginning to dread the dentist, even for cleaning.

  11. I dread the dentist and I am so overdue for a visit. :-(

    An Island Life

  12. I so hate going, and I'm so bad I go like every year or so LOL I'm the same when it comes to going to any kind of doctor LOL


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