Thursday, May 20, 2010

God's Got It....

I was so sad to hear that Maeci, the daughter of one of my long time bloggy friends was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma in April, this is news no Mother ever wants to hear. My heart ached when I heard the news. Macei is undergoing Chemo right now and really needs prayers during this time. I think of Keli (Maeci's Mom) every single day and I admire her strength and courage to help sweet Maeci fight this terrible disease. Keli tells me Macei will get well and each day they are a little closer to healing. Keli started saying "God's Got it" so she asked me to create a few bracelets with that saying. I hope these bracelets bring a little comfort. So weather you are spiritual or not please send as many well wishes as you can to sweet Maeci and her family.


  1. Isn't it amazing how kids seem to have faith that astounds even us aged, seasoned adults. Sending prayers and love to your friend and her daughter and I love the bracelet..

  2. I love that bracelet. So sorry to hear about Maeci - wishing her and her family the best!

  3. I will keep sweet child Maeci tucked into my Morning-Noon-and-Night Prayers. Her family, too.

  4. I'll be praying! I love the saying on the bracelet!

  5. I knew as soon as the title of your post who it was going to be about. My heart hurts for Maeci and her family. I've been bloggy friends with Keli for quite some time. Great piece that you created. You ALWAYS do good work Kristin.!


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