Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Enough said....

I took this picture when we were on vacation, I wish we had a few of these signs in our neighborhood too, maybe it would serve as a good reminder for some lazy neighbors. The visual is extra special too isn't it?

Happy Wednesday friends and remember to always clean up after you pets! :)


  1. LOL, was it necessary to have the dog in that position?

  2. Great sign! I need to get one of those for our neighborhood too. I have two awards over at my place for you. My feeling will not be hurt if you don't take them, but I just wanted to let you know that I love your site and your jewelry!

  3. Heck, I want to put one in my yard!

  4. Ewww, I could do without that visual too!

  5. I wish they had those signs at our local parks. It's frustrating to go to a park to play and have to step around the "packages" left behind.

    However, that visual...yeah, it's a bit much.... :-)

  6. I SOOO want this sign. We are VERY fastidious about picking up after our dogs and it drives me CRAZY when others don't do the same. I swear I feel like people just give me dirty looks when we are walking our dogs because we are guilty by association.


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