Friday, May 14, 2010

The Class Reunion: To go or not to go that is the question

I have a monumental class reunion coming up and am on the fence as to if I will go or not. I missed my last one since I was giving birth to Will, that is a really good,valid excuse right?

Do you go to your class reunions?


  1. I went to my 5 year, and it was DUMB. I don't think I will go to any others. My girlfriends and I decided that we all would just go out together to celebrate instead.

  2. I've never gone and I never will. It's just not my thing at all!

  3. I skipped my 5 year, my 10 year is coming up next year so I will definitely go. My husband's 15 year is this year and he skipped his 10 so we're going to go. I think had I not reconnected with people on Facebook I wouldn't be going.

  4. I wen tot my 5 BORING.. went to hubby s 10 it was held in a STABLE I crap you not. It was ehhh so so.. We have not been to any others though my 20 and his 20 has passed..

  5. Nope. I don't really care.

    Have a great day!

  6. I have never cared, nor will I. If I want to reunite with old friends or whatever I can do it on my own time without being forced to see a bunch of people I could care less about.

  7. from FF and wanted to say hi.
    Take a minute an check my blog out if you haven't already.
    I have lots of great giveaways going on.
    Thanks :)

  8. My, my, I am feeling old reading these comments! I went to my 20th recently and it was so worth it! It was really surreal to be in the same room with all those people after so long, but in a good way. It reminded me how much I've grown and changed.
    I say go and have a good time!
    :) Robin

  9. I missed my 10yr and 20yr but the class ahead of me just had their 25th and a bunch of us were invited. It was great. We had all changed for the better. The snobs were no longer the snobs and the geeks were no longer the geeks, we were all one. You should go.

  10. Why wouldn't you go?? You are most likely the most beautiful and most success chick there!

  11. What a dolce blog...We don't have high school reunions in France...
    Happy Friday follow, Following you, come follow me back!

  12. Ummm . . yeah, I did NOT attend my 10 year. Granted, I had a new baby, but . . still. It just wasn't a big deal to me -- I hadn't kept up with anyone and couldn't really think of anyone that I wanted to talk to.


  13. I haven't gone to any of my reunions. I guess I feel like I already keep in touch with everyone that I want to.

    An Island Life

  14. They don't have class reunions on my country.

  15. No, I didn't go to my 5 or 10 year reunion! And to be honest, I never wanted to LOL

  16. Sure! go, it's allot of fun!!

  17. I haven't gone back.

  18. No, never gone back and probably never will.


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