Wednesday, April 7, 2010

and so it begins....

Will is starting Soccer, it is his first time on an organized team and we are all ready with the full get up of shin guards, soccer cleats, uniform and ball. It is so cute seeing a team of 4 year olds doing drills. The part that already gets me though is the parents at the side lines, yelling and screaming at their kid to get the ball in the goal. Does it really start this young? Shouldn't this be about having fun?

Is it me or do we sometimes just push our kids a bit too much????


  1. yes - the warm weather bring with it the sound of children playing outside and what seems like a never ending season of little league and soccer! I am looking forward to those days.

    And, yes, even at age such a young age they are expected to be competitive. I don't think it right - but I don't necessarily think that it's wrong either. The game of life has winners & losers - and as long as the lesson of humility for each is taught - then I don't think that it is a bad thing.

  2. What's even more annoying is when the coaches get too competitive and start cheating:( I love to see the kids having such a good time!

  3. Oh No! Really? I thought I would have a few more years before I had to worry about that... yuck for crazy parents. But BIG yeah for spring. And Soccer! that brings me JOY too!!

  4. I don't mind the competition either that is life I am just surprised how intense some of the parents already are, I wish they would let the coach coach and watch on the sideline, we have only had one practice :)

  5. Can't believe it starts that early! They're little! Can't kids just play for fun and to learn a new skill?! All the competitiveness drives me a little crazy. I totally get wanting your child to do well but screaming at a 4 year old to get the ball in the goal when they're really just learning how to play is a little much.

    I totally agree with you that it should be all about having fun.

  6. Found you through MBC - now following your blog!

  7. I totally agree - it's amazing how involved we become as we watch our children perform and compete. I approached one dad once during a soccer game - he was ridiculously yelling and our boys were only 4 yrs. old! I made a joke about it, but he never did it again - thankfully! The kids feel enough pressure without us even saying anything at all. Sports are (in my book) to foster and foment self-confidence, help kids be active and learn to follow rules and obey a coach, and for kids to make new friends. But, the first reason is the most important!!
    Anyways, love your post, and your blog. I'll be back often.


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