Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Becuase I am MAD....

I think this sums it up since sometimes I feel like a Mad Housewife. I often feel like I just can't keep up with my housework. I mean I am a servant, short order cook, maid, chauffeur, WAHM and so much more... but guess what I love every minute of being a Mad Housewife!

So tell me are you a Mad Housewife too?

P.S. The Mad Housewife Merlot is delicious and was only $6.99 at our local market.

P.S. S. Please make sure you enter in my giveaway just click on the below picture.


  1. Although I am not a mad housewife, this wine is so cute I would buy it anyway!!

  2. I don't really drink, but that label is enough to make me want to get a bottle! :)

  3. This is such a cute bottle of wine! I so need it for showing off ;-)

    Happy WW!

  4. I want some of that!

  5. I'm totally a Mad Housewife. Now I have to try this wine!

  6. Oh I've been feeling so behind on housework lately, Kristen! Thanks (or not...lol) for the reminder! :)

  7. I could really use some Mad Housewife right now.

    Infact, I think a trip to the store is in order. ;)

  8. I love it! I'll definitely have to try to find some. I recently bought a bottle of Cupcake Vineyards Merlot just because I loved the label. I think it was about $8 a bottle at my local supermarket. I'm glad I'm not the only one who buys wine just for the cute label! And isn't nice when the wine turns out to be delicious too? :)

  9. just the title of this wine makes me feel like trying it ;)

  10. LOL, that is such a funny brand name!!!

  11. I love mad housewife merlot!! :) I originally bought it on "one of those days" and was pleasantly suprised at how delicious it was. :)


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