Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Rock Star In Training....

The other day I asked Will what he wants to be when he grows up and he said, "That's easy Mom, I want to be a ROCK STAR!"

Angie of Seven Clown Circus is hosting a giveaway for my every picture tells a story necklace, I would love for you to head on over and enter for your chance to win HERE.


  1. Aww look at him. REady to ROck and Roll
    Oh my gosh I missed that It's gorgeous. How creative you are. I'll have to come see what else you have

  2. That is one of my favorite ones - I almost got that one for my sister for Christmas - she is a photographer.

    Hope you are having a wonderful week Kristen!


  3. Encourage him to really play! My son who is 31 still plays alot and in little groups around at coffee cafes etc! A great hobby to have as he grows older! And LOVE your jewelry!!

  4. He's got his "tools" already. He's good to go. Thanks for the opportunity to host the giveaway. I LOVE the necklace. It really is perfect.

  5. How cute! (Smart kid!)
    And that's a gorgeous guitar!
    :) Robin

  6. Oh he is too cute :) love that piece too!

  7. That's a great picture! And I love the necklace and charm, adorable!


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