Wednesday, February 3, 2010

and I still lost...

bowling shoes are only cute on kids!

feeling pretty good about his form..

wait, wait, wait, wait.....

when in doubt just get on your knees and roll it!

I took Will and my nephew bumper bowling and guess what they both beat me, the rails didn't help me. I am embarrassed to even share my score. One thing I know for sure, we had a lot of fun.

When is the last time you bowled?


  1. That's awesome!! MY son has been begging us to take him bowling.

  2. What lucky boys they are!!

    The last time I bowled for real was a few years ago and I was AWFUL. When I Wii bowl, however, I am a ROCKSTAR.

  3. I know those are crazy shoes for sure. I would have done the same game as you for sure.

    Happy WW..

  4. Fun! I think I've only bowled once maybe twice in my life--which is funny because my mom loves it and is on a ladies bowling team.

  5. that is the way I bowl too!!

    Happy WW

  6. We took the kids back in September I think and the 2 yr. old beat us all! Little Stinker. Cute pictures!

  7. it has been ages since I have bowled, I am not even sure if there are bowling lanes in London...hmm. Found you on twitter moms, love your blog and now a follower. All the best, Coryanne

  8. I love to go bowling! My husband doesn't so we don't go very much. But when I lived in California we had a girls group and we would go out bowling when they had "disco"night and they turned the lights down. It was so much fun!

    Thanks for your sweet comment about my daughter's health drama last weekend! I am so relieved that she is okay.

    I am excited about your giveaway! It is going to be fun!


  9. It's been awhile since I've bowled but I really enjoy taking my kids - they love it !

  10. Does bowling on the Wii count? ;)


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