Thursday, January 21, 2010

Going stir crazy....

The past 5 days we have pretty much been stuck at home since Will has been sick, he has been fever free for 24 hours so he is on the mend. I get a little stir crazy and I know he does too. We did go through the McDonald's drive through just to get out of the house.

What do you do to prevent yourself from going stir crazy when you are stuck at home?


  1. I think I am beyond the STIR CRAZY stage....I am just CRAZY now.

  2. Poor little guy! I sure hope he's on the mend for good now!

  3. get well soon Will! what we do? start shouting at each other like maniacs lol ...i simply cant be bound home...but then recently i was due to bad weather and it was ok :) maybe getting old....

  4. I just had my 3rd and I was actually looking forward to my 6 wk appt just to get away for an hour! Who knew going to the grocery store could be so therapeutic?

  5. Hope he feels better ((hugs))

  6. It really sucks to be cooped up at home. I'm glad he is on the mend.


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