Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Shop until you drop....and Hello December

How is it December already? Will and I did some last minute shopping for Thanksgiving at Trader Joe's (heart Trader Joes) and Will made sure he got all of his favorites. I really don't think Trader Joes intended on the carts being this full. He was stopping traffic and telling customers that he was getting all of his favorite food. Towards the end of the trip he had to really put some muscle into pushing his cart. I think this was one of the funniest trips to the store I have had and it will surely be a lasting memory for us both.

Do you have a Trader Joe's near you? If so what do you love?

We love their chicken tacos, gingersnap cookies and so much more.


    I like the pumpkin pancake mix and we always drink JOE!!! Great coffee, phenomenal price!!

    Love the pics!! He looks like he's on a mission!!

  2. Adorable! We have TJ about 5 minutes from our house, and yet I rarely go. But I love just about everything I've ever tried there.

  3. We love our Trader Joes. I love their snack sized apples, perfect for the kids' lunches, their organic yogurt, whole raw almonds, just to name a few.

  4. I can't believe it is December either...

    We have a Trader Joes nearby... one thing that everyone swears by is something we call $2 buck Chuck... apparently it is THE VERY BEST CHEAP WINE around...It actually is Charles something or other vineyard... I have never tried it!

  5. How cute! I love trader joe's too. I recently tried their spicy peanut vinaigrette and use it to make cold sesame noodles. It's fantastic. You can find it in the refigerated section. I add a little soy sauce, sesame oil and sesame seeds to it. Yum!

  6. To cute!
    I don't think we have one near us...but have heard good things about it..gonna have to check that out!

  7. I WISH we had one -- I see people writing/tweeting about it all the time. It sounds FABULOUS!

    Following In My Shoes

  8. No Trader Joes around here--AND I have to drive over an hour to get to a Target! I know, it's awful! Will must have gotten so many compliments that day--he's so cute with his cart!

  9. He is most adorable!!! He really did have quite a bit in there.

  10. I really wish we had one anywhere close to us :( Love the pictures too cute :)

  11. No Trader Joe's around here... but I've heard nothing but good things about those stores. Makes me curious and wish we did have one!

    Pics are too cute. One of the local grocery stores here used to have those little carts for kids... my girls LOVED pushing them around the store!


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