Monday, December 28, 2009

Build it and they will come...

Will loves spending time with his cousin and for his Birthday his Uncle Mark took him and his cousin to Build-a- Bear and then to lunch. In the last picture they both finished the day with a cookie. Will had just dropped his on the floor so his cousin split his in half and shared it with Will, a very good lesson in sharing if you ask me!


  1. Even at ages (almost) 7 and (almost) 9, my girls LOVE Build-a-Bear!

  2. What a perfect day for a kid!!! Build-a-Bear and a cookie!

    We are going to go there tomorrow to spend some giftcards. Isn't it just such a great place to take a kid?

  3. Great Post. I'm gonna make sure my daughters don't see this... lol

    BTW... I'm loving my necklace. If you remember I put it away until Christmas, as I was giving the girls theirs then. You do such great work!

  4. I can't wait to take my little one to one of these some day. I loved the moments they had. Yeah on sharing..

  5. What a perfect birthday! Super cute pictures too. <3


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