Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Fueled by....

During my very busy times I am truly fueled by caffeine and a trip to Starbucks is a nice break. Things are very busy and I am very grateful for being busy, I LOVE BUSY. I find I am more efficient when I am busy so thank you!

Lately when I am working at the table Kane has been coming up and putting his head in my lap, and that forces me to take a brief break. It is very, very sweet and out of the ordinary for him (I wonder why he is being so nice?)

The Capture Life piece is something new I created for a customer and will be adding it to my SHOP soon and many new pieces will be added soon, several adoption pieces!

Do you love the Starbucks holiday cups as much as I do?

Do you have a favorite Starbucks Drink?
Mine is the Peppermint Mocha with skim milk and no whip cream, it is a nice treat!


  1. I do love the cups. I love the Ginger Bread... I like how you dog wants to help out.

  2. I loved it..
    great post..


  3. I love that necklace- all of your necklaces in fact! I am wearing the one my hubs got me for my birthday last year right now! I always get compliments on it!

  4. I've only been to starbucks once--to buy a gift certificate (I've never tried coffee).

    Love that new piece. Great photos!

  5. Love Starbucks any time any way LOL

  6. I actually haven't ever been to Starbucks... but I LOVE this new piece!!! :) How great that you're sooo busy! :)

  7. I big puffy hear the red cups and am currently coveting skinny gingerbread lattes! Mmmmmmmmmmmm


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