Monday, November 2, 2009

Featured Reader Winner Announced

The winner of my Featured Reader contest is Lisa of Moore Minutes and Lisa said if she won she would love the "i love you to the moon and back" necklace. This necklace happens to be one of my favorites and a customer favorite.

Congratulations Lisa, please send me a email!

I am taking a bit of a break from my featured reader posts, but if you would like to be featured please send me a email to I will be starting them up again in the near future!

I hope everyone had a fun Halloween and have you noticed that the stores already have some of their holiday decorations up and the holiday catalogs are starting to come. I think I may just have to start my holiday shopping very soon!


  1. Congrats to your winner. I have a confession...I have finished my Holiday Shopping for my boys. I have packed away things slowly and I have found tons of stuff on sale. I just wanted it over before things got all crazy and expensive. So I hope now that I can just put up the tree and relax.

  2. Oh Kristen! I'm SO excited!! Thank you very much. You have made my day. :D My contact email is


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