Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sometimes you really are a little devil..

When we are away Kane really can be a little devil, I know he misses us but he sure has a funny way of showing it. Last week all in just a few hours he managed to do the following:

  • Drink Will's chocolate milk (out of a sippy cup too) and spill it all over the carpet
  • Chew up Will's Pez dispenser
  • Drool on the couch and leave some nice scratches from his toenail ( make yourself at home Kane!)
  • Move your dog bed across the room.
There were also a few other things that I just won't even mention since we need to keep things clean!

Even though he can be a little devil when we are away, we still adore this gentle giant. I just wish he could find a different way to show us how much he loves us!

Happy Wednesday!

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  1. He is one cute little devil!

  2. He is so cute. What kind of dog is it?? I have that same devil hat for my large dog!

  3. Cute..........

    I need 2 devil hats please for mine at home!!!

  4. I can see why you love him. He looks so sweet.

  5. This week I guess he does deserve that hat!

  6. Kane is a greyhound, and he is a little devil sometimes we almost dread leaving the house some days

  7. Awe!! How cute he is. Good thing he's a cute little devil or all the mishaps would be worse!

  8. What a cutie. I am glad my dog is not the only one who gets into things.

  9. LOL! My dogs could easily swap stories with your little devil.

    Happy WW!

  10. Can't believe such a cute dog can do all those things! =)

  11. Too cute. I've had a couple dogs that sound eerily similar to your Kane...

  12. The cuter they are...the more trouble they cause!

  13. Ilove all of his photos. Can't wait to see what he wears for Halloween!

  14. He sure is a cute devil! We have a similar problem with our two dogs....They just hate it when we leave...even if it's for 5 minutes.


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