Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Meet my shipping assistant

Will often helps me w/ shipping orders. And don't worry he is paid very well with all of the goodies and toys he receives, actually probably overpaid. Will tells me that the lever is REALLY, REALLY HEAVY but he has strong muscles.

Happy Wednesday! I am so excited that Halloween is on a Saturday this year, I LOVE Halloween!


  1. He gets cutier by the day...I bet him and Cole would have a great time..

  2. Isn't it funny how kids find the PO so fascinating?!?!?

  3. What a cute picture of such a sweet helper!

  4. My son helps me to piece out the parcels and also gets paid :)

  5. You know, I still like those too! Of course, my muscles are nowhere near as strong as Will's!

  6. What a cute assistant!

    That lever can be pretty heavy =)

  7. Love the every picture tells a story necklace! Sorry, saw it in the side bar and had to tell you.

    I love those shipping assistants. They are so handy to have!

  8. I am also loving that Halloween in on the weekend. It is so hard to cram everything in when you have to get up the next day and go to school!

    Cute mail boy! :)

  9. I do not think you could have a better assitant!

  10. He is the person you work with. I love how he helps out. It is nice that Halloween is on Saturday...


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