Friday, October 9, 2009

Clutter makes me CRAZY!!!!!

Typically in the spring and fall we get really serious about trying to de-clutter our house, we have this very strong desire (I have this very strong desire) to try to keep our house organized. We really struggle with keeping things in their place since I run my business out of the house and Will has more toys than one almost 4 year old should have. I have seriously considered hiring someone to help us organize our house since clutter makes me a CRAZY person!

So my question for you is:

What is your best organizing tip?

To view more aloha friday questions please visit


  1. I have one (BIG) draw which is my clutter draw.. Just like when Monica on friends had her cluttered cupboard! :)

  2. Baskets, basket with tops, foot stool with storage.

  3. LOL, I can't help in this regard at all! I'm very clean but organized, NOPE!

  4. We are of two different worlds, one of my motto being: "THE KEY TO LONGEVITY: keeping the clutter at room temperature." LOL!

  5. Baskets, bins & labels. Once it has a set home then label it & make sure that the items are easily accessible plus easily put back. The other key is no more than one toy/group out @ a time. Put back what isn't being played w/.

  6. For me, I can sometimes have a hoarding tendency! LOL! So I always make sure to say, "When in doubt, throw it out!" I don't know how easy that would be for others, but it definitely works for me!

  7. First those toy bin things at Target. Toy boxes just let the toys at the bottom get ignored. You know those colorful plastic bins on wooden dowel rods.....GREAT! My boys keep everything separate in them. Cars in one (or should I say three), men in one, legos in one, trains in one and soon. When they are done with one bin they put everything in it and put it away before getting out the next bin.....well in a perfect world. I have had two in the boys' room for years and LOVE them!! I also have a table in the living room that has cubbies for baskets.....LOVE. IT! If someone is stopping by, all messes go into those basket......wallah!!

  8. Hmmm... I a total disorganized mess so I don't have any great tips.

    The only thing I can think of is "If you haven't used it in a year, get rid of it." I'm really bad at following that rule, but I'm sure it works in theory. lol

  9. I use color coordinated bins for different people & rooms. Just throw things in the bins and when I have time I tackle whatever's in the bins.

  10. Well when you find a solution please publish it!!! I am a clutterbug right now! Clutter Clutter everywhere!!!! I have been searching for the best advice to purge it all!!

  11. I label storage bins and that is how I get things put up. Or if I have clothes I do not want anymore I give them away.

  12. Everything has its place.....even if that place is a trash bin! This applies to my PC too! :)

  13. My best tip would be to learn to embrace clutter.

  14. I think it depends on what you want to organize. I find storage bins really helpful... stacking and labeling them and putting them away on shelves or in closets helps. Baskets are always good for toys and such, and are an easy way to get kids involved in cleanup. Filing cabinets with labeled folders are great for home stuff like bills and business papers....
    I love organizing but don't exactly live with the neatest person on the planet! :)

  15. DONATE, DONATE AND THEN...DONATE SOME MORE. Join a Yahoo group in your city for recycling. There's an organization called and they are worldwide. The members donate items that are still in usable condition. Other members request them and are responsible for the pick up. Everything is free. You can also donate to different charities, you get a tax break too. We don't need, or use, a lot of the stuff that we keep just because it holds a memory or someone gave it to us and we feel obligated to keep it. I don't! If I don't like it/need it/want it, I give it to someone else who might benefit from it. Be brutally honest with yourself. When you purge your home of things that you don't need/want/like...its like a huge weight comes off your shoulders. You feel lighter and you actually find stuff you even forgot that you had. Containers and baskets are great, for holding things that you use. But clutter usually happen when people hoard things that they don't really need but can't let go emotionally.

  16. Use it. Need it or Toss it. Unless it makes you smile. My rule.

  17. I can't stand clutter LOL everything is labeled and I love plastic bins so easy to put everything away and store it in the closets :)

  18. An easy thing if you don't want to get too involved with organization is BASKETS, CRATES, CUBBIES, ETC, ETC. They help soooo much!

  19. I'm not sure I have any fabulous idea.. besides the normal. Tubs..lots of tubs..for organizing. I like the clear ones. I know what you mean about have that overwhelming desire to get rid of clutter.. I am the same way.. I just sometimes don't know where to start lol

  20. Me too! I hate clutter! I have 1 small place that I collect mail, school papers etc...but weed through it 2 times per week. Everything has to have a home or be gone! :) Not much of a tip. I like bins to organize my basement, i even have on for old calendars.


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