Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The List....

Will has started to compile a MEGA Birthday Wish list and I mean MEGA in a matter of a few days it has doubled, and I am sure it will continue to grow!

For some reason he felt it was necessary to wear a winter hat, scarf and gloves for this photo shoot.

Happy Wednesday, make it a great day!


  1. Kids are awesome! They have such interesting ideas. =)

  2. That is huge!!! I just think Will knows Michigan weather all too well!

  3. Fun! I love the hat and gloves! Happy WW!

  4. Ugh. Good luck with that. I'm on a hunt for Zhu Zhu pets for Lael's birthday next month.

  5. That is too cute :) and huge LOL

  6. We have been creating a list since early summer. Lil' D sees commercials and says, "I need that." In stores he'll ask, "Can we add this to my wish list?" It's never ending. Happy WW and take care.

  7. He's adorable... good luck in getting him everything on his list !!! Happy WW !

  8. A list maker! A boy after my own heart........

    Great WW pic------winterwear and all!!

  9. Kids do the cutest things...

    I'm sure the list will keep growing and growing... =)

  10. Sounds like he will have a great Birthday and then what he does not get then he can get at Christmas. Love the outfit.

  11. OMGoodness, this is hilarious and so cute! lol

  12. awww... I want to make a birthday list... well my bday isn't until may... maybe I can start now!!


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