Thursday, September 17, 2009

First Day Of School...

Will had his first day of Preschool on Tuesday and I can hardly believe it. It seems like it took an eternity to have him and yet in a blink of an eye he isn't a baby anymore, how does this happen? On Tuesday parents were able to stay and today he is on his own, so wish US luck and I stress US. Will is a bit like me in that he is a little slow to make friends and cautious with new situations but once he is comfortable I know he will enjoy every single moment. I am not quite sure what I will do with myself while he is at preschool, but if you see a Mom lurking around his school chances are it is me.

P.S. Photo's are courtesy of my Dad and Brother since they came to my rescue, my camera battery was dead when I went to use the camera.

If you would like to view more Thousand Words Thursday please visit Jen at Cheaper Than Therapy Jen.


  1. Awww... I remember those days! It was hard leaving them but it was always ok. And he's such a handsome little man! And I love the picture of you both! I love your hair! Thank God for dad and brother! If you lurk today, make sure you wear camo....just sayin. :)

  2. And before you know it he'll be graduating high school. On no, wait... I didn't say that... Adorable young man. :)

  3. He looks kinda sad in that first shot. The photo of both of you is wonderful. I hope he's liking school now!

  4. I hope all is going well! What wonderful memories!

    My ATWT

  5. It looks like he is going to have a great school year. How are you doing with it. Great photo by the way.

  6. Time goes fast, doesn't it? I just put my little guy in Kindergarten!! Cute shots!

  7. Good luck guys! Hopefully the adjustment happens quickly, and before you know it he'll be talking about all of the fun things he did with his list of preschool buddies! Enjoy your time! Happy ATWT!

  8. The first day!!! and a long long and exciting road ahead little buddy! enjoy it!!

  9. Beautiful pictures :) our babies are growing up! Hope he is doing well and you also :)

  10. Oh my goodnes... so handsome and so grown up! I love the shot of the two of you!

  11. You two are cuteness!

    Hang on tight! The school years fly by.

  12. Those are great pictures! I love the last one!!

  13. How cute. I was a lurker too, lol. I have a few shots in the classroom the first day. lol

  14. awww...great photos

  15. Im going through this too. My son started kindergarten and its so happy but sad for me. He is so not a baby anymore..



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