Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wordful/Wordless Wednesday

A little soap, water and some elbow grease and Will had his entire fleet of cars squeaky clean. My designated job was to rinse!

Will and I spent hours cleaning his toys and had a blast. I hope Will's childhood is chalked full of lasting fond memories.

When is the last time you did something so simple yet so FUN?


  1. Working that car wash! So cute!


  2. Workin' at the carwash, yeah...


  3. This looks like great fun - cute pictures, too!

  4. Simple and fun...the joys of summer! This is so cute, Kristen. Don't you love the things that can occupy kids? Not too long ago, I asked my kids to wash my car (not sure if they'd be able to or not). They not only did a great job, they had a BLAST. :)

  5. Looks like a lot of fun! Summer is just simple and fun, don't you think? My boys are outside all day long in the summertime - they love it, and so do I!

  6. That is so cute. I would have to say when we starting our fire pit and roasted marshmellows and hot dogs.

  7. That is SO ADORABLE!!!

    Can he do mine next?

  8. Adorable :) we do cute and fun things like that too :) nothing better really than simple fun...

  9. I remember those days - lots of fun!

  10. Great pix. My son loves to wash his outdoor vehicles as well. I try to get him to help me with my car, but he prefers to work hard on his own. Happy WW and take care.

  11. Great idea to get him involved AND clean the toys! So cute!

  12. Oh my goodness, that was so cute!!! Yes I think he will have great childhood memories!!!


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