Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thousand Words Thursday: Hockey Playoffs

Will Vs. Uncle Mark

My brother a.k.a. Uncle Mark took some time out to teach Will how to play hockey. I love the expression on Will's face in the second picture.

Living just outside of Detroit people are just crazy about the Red Wings being in the playoffs. I had no idea they were even in the playoffs and had to ask my hubby who they were playing against (the Penguins right?). People in the Detroit area are huge, huge fans you see so many people walking around town wearing their Red Wings T-shirts, hats you name it. It truly is hockey fever right now, when the game is on people are glued to their TVs and the sports bars are packed!

So tell me are you rooting for the Red Wings or Penguins?

Are you watching the playoffs or are you like me and have no interest. I do want the Red Wings to win though!

Go Wings!!! Go Wings!!!! Go Wings!!!! (Ok I did my part didn't I?)

For more Thousand Words Thursday please visit Cheaper Than Therapy.


  1. I don't watch hockey but he sure looks cute playing it! :o)

  2. What's hockey?

    Just kidding--I never watch it but my hubby calls himself a Stars fan.

  3. We're not hockey fans But, I have alot of friends who love our local hockey team here!! San Jose Sharks!

  4. So who won in this match up? ;-)

  5. He's the cutest hockey player :)

  6. You sound like me with most sports. I really don't know which teams play which sports. Call me a clueless sportswife.

    Looks like they were having fun!

  7. Looks like someone is having fun!!!

  8. I don't really follow hockey so I will just jump on your bandwagon and say GO Red Wings!

    Very cute pictures of your very cute boy!

  9. Glad that Uncle Mark had time to show him what all the hoopla is about!!

    I'm in your neck of the woods...

    GO WINGS!!

  10. I too love the look on his face in that 2nd picture!!! I know nothing about Hockey, I do know that it is the Penguins, but only because a friend posted it on her FB LOL!! So I am staying neutral on the pick!!

  11. WELL, we were rooting for the blackhawks!!


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