Thursday, June 18, 2009

A Thousand Words Thursday: Attack of the...

Attack of the Beanie Babies! Once upon a time, I collected A LOT of Beanie Babies. Somehow I got it in my head that I could get rich down the road, fat chance! I will say they are making Will very happy. I have a huge Rubbermaid bin filled to the top with them and this is just a fraction of what is in the bin(please do not remind me how much money I wasted on these silly things, and don't laugh when I tell you a few have those special tag covers on them.... cough, cough Princes Diana Beanie)

I will say though that seeing Will enjoy them is priceless, he takes each and every one of them to bed with him every night and has most of the names memorized.

Did you ever collect Beanie Babies??

p.s. There is a site that tells you if yours are worth any money and I gave up looking since most of mine are worth about $2 each.


  1. That's too funny! Little did you know that your 'investment' would become a pile'o'fun for Will! ;)

    I only collected the deer ones, because I've had a deer collection since I was 7...but I did buy a bazillion of them for my aunt who is/was an avid collector...I should find out if she still has her big pile! And yes, the few that I do have still have their special tag covers on them...heh, heh! ;)

    Happy ATWT! :)

  2. Ha!! I only had a know the ones that would bring in the "real" money!!! Princess Diana, Erin, etc.

  3. Our 6-week old is starting to accumulate stuffed toys, I can only imagine the pile she'll have by the time she turns 1....Very fun pictures!

  4. Try three rubbermaid bins full of beanie babies! And I have the Princess Di beanie too, and yes she has a plastic cover protecting that valuable tag! We were CRAZY! Somehow my mom has even more than I do and she still buys them at holidays! Double CRAZY! :)

  5. Hey there, my friend. I had to laugh at this because we have a HUGE (and I mean huge) bin of beanie babies. For years, my mother-in-law would give the kids Beanies as gifts. Every now and then they get them out and bury themselve in them too.

    Great to be back,

  6. I had some and now my daughter plays with them :) she loves it.

    Cute pictures!

  7. Shhh! I have Beanie Babies tucked in my closet. I even have some that an ex boyfriend spent $100 for-ouch!

  8. LOL, yes I collected, sold, and traded Beanie Babies..

    I have like 2 storage tubs of them at my parents house.

  9. That looks like my kids but with Build-a-Bears and Webkinz

  10. Yep, I found some more for Will!! :) see you at dinner! :)

  11. yes! well, my daughters did. a combination of ty and beanies! cute pics

  12. ♥♥♥ AWESOME ♥♥♥
    ♥♥♥ WE LOVE THEM TOO ♥♥♥
    Have a ☺☺☺HAPPY☺☺☺ ATWT!!

  13. Yup...have about that many of those things too...all in hiding. That's a funny pic...does look like a full on attack!

  14. I never did get into the beanie craze. Love the pix, he does look like he's having a great time.

  15. I used to have a bunch of these (though not as many as you! :) but I used them in my "prize cupboard" at school for a young girl who LOVED animals and loved earning them. She's a freshman now, but I'm sure she still loves them :)

  16. Oh cute! I DID collect them! I had a zillion of them and I recently donated them all the the children's section of the library!

  17. yep, i collected them...and i remember when they were going for 15 to 20 a piece on a regular basis, forget the "rare" least Will is loving them!

  18. You didn't give us the site ;-) I never collected them - I do recall buying a very specific one for a guy I was dating in college - it was a frog... I think it's name had significance... I dunno but that was also when I first opened my eBay account. Wow that was 10 years ago. Time flies.

    Cute pictures of Will.

  19. Well I guess it was worth it since Will looks so happy with them!! I was not a collector. I bought a few for gifts for people who were but that was the extent of my beanie baby purchasing! Glad you found a good use for your stash!


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