Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Motor Muster highlights at The Henry Ford

Will and I riding in a Model T

Will and Hubby, see the mustang in the background?

Will's cars on display, Will felt they were photo worthy!

The Vernor's truck or the "Man Pop Truck" according to Will

A very fun day filled with Model T rides, carousel rides and a frosty root beer floats! We were all very tired at the end of this day!


  1. Great photos (as usual!) I love the Man Pop Truck!!!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful day and the pictures tell the story.

  3. Too fun! I love that Mustang!

  4. Sounded and looked like a great day!

  5. Love your pictures, looks like so much fun :)

  6. you are too cute! love your haircut

  7. I love these pictures! And Kristen! You are gorgeous! Gah!

  8. Looks like a lot of fun! We'll have to plan to go next year as my Dad is a huge car fanatic. We've been to lots of events at the Henry Ford but never that one. My daughter really likes the trick or treating Halloween event they have there. If you haven't been you should it's worth it!


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