Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Favorite Things about summertime

The Summertime Meme.....

Top 10 Favorite Things About Summer: (in no particular order)

1. Spending the weekends at my parents lake house

2. More daylight... light until 9:30 is fabulous

3. Being outdoors, long walks, bike rides

4. My backyard... it is where we hang out a lot!

5. BBQ'ing easy cooking, corn on the cob, watermelon and just fabulous fruit in general

6. Warm Weather, winters are miserable in Michigan :(

7. Watching my flower garden bloom and come back each season... I LOVE MY TRUMPET VINE

8. Arnold Palmers with a lot of ice!

9. Flip flops everyday!

10. Watching Will play outside with the hose, it is pure delight to him!

Happy summer to you! Please join in if you would like!


  1. I can't resist asking...what is an "Arnold Palmer"? I love your list. Mine is similar except I live in FL so it's flip-flops year round. I grew up in MI though so I totally relate:-)

  2. I love so many of those same things!
    Watching the lightning bugs...sitting on the back porch and lighting the tiki torches....heading to the beach!

  3. I agree!! I think my top favorite thing about summer is wearing sandals. Love the freedom!

  4. Flip Flops every day!!! Definitely one of my faves!!! My mother in laws boat at South Haven...her house on the lake!!! :o) Enjoy the weather today!!!

  5. I love summer too! Coming from Puerto Rico I was used to the warm weather all the time. Now that we live in Colorado, we appreciate more the warm times.

  6. Love your list and that picture is so beautiful :)

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    6 years ago my Dad received a new heart.

    This is my way of giving back.

  8. I love your list...#7 is exactly how I feel too...and I wish I could do the #1 thing...do you think your parents would mind?

  9. love this post... might have to try it out myself...

    ps try and arnold palmer with sweet tea infused vodka and lemonade... yum!

  10. When I walk around in flip flops I try to make them do the "flip flop" noise as loud as possible. :)

  11. can i come to your lakehouse? pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!!!

  12. Wine will do better with it. Really enjoyed your blog. Keep it up the good work. Happy Blogging. Beth www.colonialgifts.co.uk

  13. Oh summer time is soooo great for me!!! I too hate the long winters, and I love allof your summer favorites!! I think my favorite thingabout summer would be spending time with my kiddos, and rodeo's!!!

  14. Your list is absolutely perfection... Flip flops every day is definitely one of the highlights of summer for me - I can't stand wearing shoes and apparently Princess Nagger is getting that from me - she always says she likes to 'air out her toes'... :)


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