Friday, May 8, 2009

La Dolce Vita Featured Reader Winner

Wow I have been so busy this almost slipped by me! I also can't believe it has been 4 weeks since I announced our last winner. Just as a reminder my featured readers have a chance to win one of my custom necklaces and for this round the winner is Jo of A-Priori Mommy. Congratulations Jo! Jo said she wanted to win the "Love, Faith, Hope" necklace!

If you would like to be a featured reader please send me a link of your blog to


  1. Just wanted to say Hi! I found you via the Mom Bloggers Club Follow Me Group. I am now following you! Stop by my site when the get the chance! I also have a lot of giveaways going on!

  2. Congrats it's a beautiful piece!

  3. Stopping by to follow from MBC Followers Club. Nice to meet you :)

  4. oh thank you! Can I change my request to this? with "Aiden" and the August birthstone? :)

    If not no worries! I love all your stuff!

  5. congrats!!! you will love kristen's jewelry!!


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