Friday, May 22, 2009

Fashion Friday: Romance is in the air

Ruffles that won't ruffle your feathers
Ruffles that won't ruffle your feathers by klacustomcreations on

I don't know what it is about ruffles, I love how girly and feminine they make you feel. You can find ruffles just about everywhere and you can keep it really simple or you can select something that billows with an abundance of ruffles. One rule of thumb though is less is more, so when in doubt leave it out!

So tell me do you love ruffles?

You can read my entire featured article at TwitterMoms HERE.


  1. I LOVE it. It is soooo girly! I heart ruffles. Great job!!

  2. You have to come link that beautiful thing up with my linky!

  3. Love it and those shoes are so cute :)

  4. I'm not girly but they sure all look lovely. Great picks!

  5. I'm all about ruffles. :D Stop by my blog, you've been tagged!

  6. I am hopping over from the Blog-A-Thon. I am trying to hit everyone this weekend (I have a lot of hopping to do). *hehe*

    Have a wonderful and safe three day weekend!

    (I am #117, #118, and #119)

  7. I like ruffles, just not on me LOL!! They look great on others though!! I definitely agree less is more!!


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