Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thousand Words Thursday: Why I love sleep pictures

One word really describes why I am obsessed with pictures of Will sleeping, COLIC! Will had colic for 5 months and I thought he would never ever sleep. I remember being a walking zombie and trying everything to get him to sleep, we even purchased a CD of a vacuum cleaner sound (yes it exists and no it isn't the same thing as a real vacuum) To this day when he does sleep it is just magical to me and I always feel compelled to take a picture. The days of naps are long gone but he does sleep through the night.

So tell me have you ever dealt with Colic and lived to tell about it?

To view more Thousand Words Thursday please visit my friend Jen at Cheaper Than Therapy Jen.


  1. Absolutely adorable!! All kids and babies look so precious when they're sleeping... Will looks like a little angel!! :)

    I was very lucky - no colic for the Princess Nagger...VERY lucky! :)

  2. Wow! That could be Eli... had to do a double take :)

  3. nothing better than pictures of a sleeping baby! Luckily we have never had to deal with colic, just another reason we are done with having babies, why jinx ourselves, lol

  4. Oh yes! My son was colicky and for what seemed like a lifetime. I SO know what you mean about appreciating sleep now!

  5. They look so innocent when they sleep. :) Thankfully no colic in this house *yet* - Aiden is a good sleeper and hopefully any future siblings will be too.

    You will have great teen years and I'll be going gray when Aiden hits 11 ;-) I think that's the trade off. hehe

  6. I like the picture with his mouth opened just so... ;-)

    Haven't dealt with colic, but I did use the vacuum noise. And the hairdryer noise. And the clothes dryer noise...

    In the end, the only thing that worked was my son sleeping in his swing for the first two months of his life!

  7. Ah, sleep is good. Cute photos. Stopping by from ATWT.

  8. My first baby was very colicky, so I am completely with you on this - plus I think all children look adorable when they are asleep.

  9. I LOVE sleep pictures too - all of the mischief of the day settled into such innocence and peace. My sister was young when she had my niece. When she lived with my folks, we all took a shift monitoring the colicky baby. My dad in the middle of the night would unfold a fold-up chair, lay on it, and coo to my niece for hours while she screamed. I had the 6 am shift and I would take my slumbering niece off my father's chest and put her in her bassinet until she woke up in screams. That was 21 years ago and I still vividly remember it.

  10. One of my favorite baby pictures of my 3.5 year old is of him sleeping, and it's for the same reason, because he NEVER sleeps (still!)

  11. I remember my son when he was that size. Great memories.

  12. i would like pictures of my son sleeping too if would have had colic. pictures of sleeping kids are the greatest!

  13. I got lucky and never had to deal with colic. But those pics are priceless!

  14. Thank goodness no Colic but I relate to just lovin' it when you see them sleep.

  15. I have not but I love sleeping photos. They look like little angels when they sleep.

  16. I see he has his remote within grabbing distance. My son is the exact same way. Remote hogging must be a male dominated genetic trait.

  17. I love sleep pictures for the very same reason. My oldest had colic for about 4 months. It was miserable. I didn't think we'd live through it.

    He is so sweet!!

  18. awww how cute. My son (my first baby) was colicky and for what seemed like that it would last 4ever! I thought I was going to go CRAZY all I can say is thanks for Grandma!lol

  19. Oh I remember the joy and relief i felt when my fussy little one would FINALLY sleep ... makes me love sleep, too. We such a new appreciation for sleep by becoming moms, don't we?

    Blessings from ~

  20. Sweet! My youngest was a little colicky (hubby would say a lot colicky!) for the first few months--I think I would have lost my mind if it was full blown colic!

  21. Simply so very sweet! What an angel!

    Connor was colic-y for almost a year. I nearly went insane!

  22. I have dealt with colic. My daughter had colic for the first few months of her life. Her dad very often drove the freeway so she'd sleep. We'd then bring the car seat into the house and let her sleep in the car sleep. We just wouldn't take her out once she finally fell asleep.

  23. Children are so beautiful when they're sleeping!


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