Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thousand Words Thursday: Easter Brunch

Even though Will doesn't like the Easter Bunny he did want a picture!

"I told you I DO NOT LIKE THE EASTER BUNNY, but will take his candy!"

Hiding under the table when the Easter Bunny made his rounds.

Look who joined us for brunch!

The dessert table had it's own room, delicious!

Even though Will spent most of the brunch under the table it was very nice! Maybe by the time he is 10 he will no longer be afraid of the Easter Bunny. The night before Easter he said that the Easter Bunny could come to his house and leave candy but had to leave the candy outside for him, since he is big and scary!

Was/Is your kiddo afraid of the Easter Bunny??

Don't forget to enter for your chance to win a custom necklace from my shop HERE and for more Thousand Words Thursday please visit Jen The Mom.


  1. How cute!!! Mine were never scared of the Easter Bunny.... My daughter though was petrified of getting her picture taken and that started at a studio that had live animals for Easter picutres LOL!! That lasted for about 4 years I think...

  2. Great photos! The desserts look amazing!!! I have been waiting for your Easter photos!

  3. Neither of my kids are scared of the EB or any of the other costumed characters. They freak me out a little bit though, lol.

  4. Seriously, what isn't scary about the easter "bunny" It's so misleading.....bunny. It a full grown man in a costume. We sure do ask a lot from kids, huh? But really, I'm sure he'll love him next year!

  5. Very sweet! My four-year-old, who has been afraid of the bunny (and Santa) actually REQUESTED to see him (her?) this year, and actually sat on his lap!

    Love the pics. They're amazing!

  6. No my kids aren't afraid of the Easter bunny they never have been afraid, but Er was afraid of Chucky Cheese. Great pictures of you and Will and I love the one with him under the table.

  7. How old is he? I have a 4 year old who does NOT like the Easter Bunny either, and LOVES spider man! Cute pictures!

  8. Catherine is terrified of the Easter Bunny too:) We did a brunch out last year and she spent it under the table too!

  9. That looks like a blast!! so much fun for Will. Bradley wasn't such a fan of the Easter Bunny either!

  10. My kiddo is only 7 months old, but he was not afraid of the Easter bunny. He did GREAT with Santa too. Great photos of your kiddo! Happy ATWT and Happy Belated Easter!

  11. My daughter (12) still thinks the Easter Bunny is creepy, and I kind of agree. Something about that big head.... I don't know, just something not right about it! I think they should have stopped with Santa in the mall for holiday pics! Of course we are cool with all of the characters at Disney... that's not creepy at all! LOL!

  12. How cute he is! We haven't even tried visiting the Easter Bunny yet, though my son loves the LA Kings mascot so maybe he'd be alright with it.

    Those desserts have me thinking about raiding the kitchen to find something sweet...

  13. Awesome photos, looks like you all had fun!

  14. Mine thought the idea of a strange bunny entering the house was weird and questioned the whole safety thing - stranger danger kind of stuff. We don't know the Easter Bunny so why is it ok for him to break into the house - even if it is to leave us candy. Beware of strangers bearing gifts...It took a few years for them to warm to the idea. They also have a thing with characters in costume - they only want to see the people characters at Disney not anyone in a full costume.

    Looks like a wonderful Easter brunch. Glad your little man had Spiderman there to protect him.

    Final comment-I was the Easter Bunny at the mall one time in high school.


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