Friday, April 24, 2009

Fashion Friday: I heart flip flops

I Flip For Flip Flops
I Flip For Flip Flops by klacustomcreations featuring Old Navy flip flops

I am a Midwest gal and the minute it is warm enough to wear flip flops, the toes get painted and my flip flops come out. I wear them until my toes turn purple from the cold.

There are so many varieties in flip flops from studded, animal print, trendy and even one's that claim to give you a work out??? If my legs will look like the above models then I am getting a pair of Fit Flops!

Do you heart flip flops? If so which are your favorite brand? Favorite pair above?

You can read my entire article on flip flops at TwitterMoms where I am a weekly featured contributor.


  1. I enjoy the fashion and the novelty flip flop. But my "work horse" flip flops that I wear for all the warm weather months is the good ole old navy flip flops. Each spring I buy a bunch in several colors and wear them out each year!

  2. I loooove wearing flip flops! I have so many pairs though, my husband says I need to wear out a pair before I can get any more! LOL

    I don't have any particular brand fave, but I would say that the zebra-esque looking pair is my favorite out of them all! :-)

  3. I love flip flops!!!! My favorite ones right now are ones I sell and they have all the fur and bling on them!!! So cute!!! I love them :) Yay for flip flop weather!!

  4. I have to hide the flip flops in my house when the weather turns cold or C. would wear them year round. I love them too - I like the price and cuteness of Old Navy flip flops - the girls get 2-3 pairs a piece, I buy a couple as well. At an Ann Taylor Loft outlet store, I saw patent leather flip flops with flowers on them - C. and I loved them but left them in the store. My favorite flip flops of the one you show are the zebra prints.

  5. I love me some flip flops. My favorites are my J Crew flilp flops with grosgain ribbon straps. So cumfy!!

  6. I love love love flip flops! Tevas are one of my faves. Right now I am going back and forth between my black Nike flipflops and my brown Nike's.

  7. Me too :) have way too many!

  8. Nope, I'm a sneaker girl all year!

  9. I love flip flops too! I like them to have a little bit of a heel. I am thinking about getting a pair of those Fit flops. They are cute!


  10. Oh, I love my flip-flops, too! My all-time faves are from Old Navy... I think I have just about every color from there!

    I also really like the "Tango" style flip-flop from Columbia... very comfy!

  11. I wear my Skechers Skull and Bones flip flops all the time. They are my "slipper" flip flops! lol!

    I am a ginormous fan of the flip flop! In AZ you can wear them all year round! Woo hoo!

    I have tons of styles and colors! Love them!

  12. LOVE flip flops...have at least 30 pair!!!


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