Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thousand Words Thursday: What a tease!!

Last week we had one day that was amazing, 65 degrees and sunny! It was a day that we spent outside blowing bubbles, mowing the lawn and just kicking back! This week is another story we have had rain and cold. I can hardly wait for spring and just can't wait for everything to be green.

Almost every morning Will asks me if it is summer yet, I so wish I could tell him yes!

For more Thousand Words Thursday please visit Cheaper Than Therapy Jen.


  1. Oh that is so cute :) we had the same thing here rain and cold :(

  2. Kristen,
    Good Morning! I ordered your "To the Moon and Back" necklace just now. I'm not sure I put the additional instructions in the right place....
    Could you put SAM on the back and put a March birthstone with it?
    I would also take 2 of them if you have them!
    Thank you so much! I can't wait to see it (them).

  3. We have that lawn mower bubble blower, too! :)

  4. Ahh! I know! I can't wait to set up the little pool and run around outside!

    He is adorable.. if only they really mowed the grass! haah!

  5. we had the same wonderful then crappy weather! hopefully it will get warm again soon. great pictures

  6. Ohhhh I remember that day!!! Tell Will I am ready for summer too!!! :o)

  7. We had that teasing day too! My kids don't want to wear coats now. Come on spring....

  8. i am with you! sick of the teasing!

  9. That looks like such a fun day!
    I can't wait for spring either! :)

  10. What a cutie!

    love the "moon and back" necklace! Adorable!

  11. My kids are the same way. It has been in the 70s and a few 80s so they have loved playing outside BUT this morning they were just as excited when it started SNOWING!!

    I see you have bubble pics so you need to enter my Bubble Photo Contest! Stop on by!

  12. I'm with you! and I'd like to know what to wear, what to do about clothes. crazy!!

  13. That's the same in Arkansas right now--this past weekend we had temps in the 70s but today it's 36 degrees!

  14. I'm with him...I'm ready for summer, too! Glad you enjoyed the day when the weather was nice!!

  15. Seems like alot of us had that kind of weather. Can't wait for the sun and warmth everyday!!

  16. It looks like you might be getting a bit closer to summer.

    Love seeing Will mowing the lawn. Too funny. My son adores doing the same thing!


  17. I know, just when you think it's spring, the clouds come back! Here's to more sun!! A boy's gotta play!

  18. so cute, bradley has the lawnmower too!!

  19. Looks like he enjoyed the mild weather!

    Hurry Spring! HURRY!

    (We're up to 242 entries! WOOT!)

  20. Look! Your son is eager for spring, too! He's just chomping on the bit to get some yard work done! ;-) *L*

  21. May he always have such enthusiasm for mowing the lawn! :)

  22. I haven't seen one green blade of grass in my lawn yet. Not even one. It's so cold out there!!

  23. When I was at my sister's house, my nephews were seriously wanting the little pool filled up!

  24. I received my order from you last night and the pieces are even prettier in person. I am just thrilled and anxious to wear your creations. Your work is fabulous.

    i wrote a post about your site, your jewelry, and your interview today. Here is a link to it. I hope many will click over to your site! Blessings.

  25. Oh I hope soon it will be here to stay... No one likes a tease.

  26. Glad y'all were able to enjoy the sunshine... as fleeting as it may have been!

    This past week we had two days of 80 degree weather! Then we went right back to the 40s. Sheesh!


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